Monday, September 24, 2012

Sucka MC Free: Going Outlaw: From Minors to Majors

Sucka MC Free: Going Outlaw: From Minors to Majors: By: Stormy Weather OMC Club Name With held upon request In baseball, before most players’ can play in the big leagues, they mu...


  1. This was a clear articulate lucid essay on what one considers an "Outlaw" club. I have no bones to pick with somebody who pushes this mindset. For those of you who r ready for THIS lifestyle more power to you. I been in "The Life" for nearly 30 years and heres my take on this. Comin from someone who has worked in several city jails N state correctional Prisons.WHY would u want to "join" any club that has you lookin over your shoulder? Granted I realize that the VAST MAJORITY of these "Outlaw" clubs are made up of honest working guys with legitimate jobs, families, commitment$ etc for the most part they dont look to enter into what the Feds and Alphabet Cops call "Organized Crime Organizations". But its sad that despite having best intentions ALOT of these "Outlaw" clubs somewhere along the way LOST their original visionquest and have gone from a group of rambunctious bunch of Bikers with slightly criminal tendencies to criminals with slightly "Biker" tendencies. The ORIGINAL thrust of the "Outlaw" Biker was a conscious and philosophical split from normal conventional society n its prescribed norms (i.e 2.5 rug rats, white picket fence house,50 year mortgage plan etc)...The original "outlaws" banded together to ride, drink beer and blow off steam with like minded riders.Hence the name "Outlaws" which took on a life of its own n grew to ID these rebellious spirits n their kind.Enter the 70's n the "Bikers Code" was solidified by th original "scooter tramps" who paved th way for the rest of US comin up.Eventually th 70's gave way to th 80's n the drugs, pimping n all other forms of criminal behavior began to sink in n slowly like a cancerous growth began to infect n affect the direction n focus of these clubs.So much so that th new mindset was to GET PAID n make mad money(and MAYBE once in a while ride a bike round town) at the expense of the original vision previous generations of Bikers that set out to actualize this lifestyle.Now it seems that in order to call urself an "outlaw" u hav to engage in certain enterprises that would cause u to lose sleep with one eye open and be on the look out for a police battering ram come thru ur front door, cops takin photos of U etc. So the cost of this new "Outlaw" identification is knowin full well that at some point you'll be looking at th four walls n shit stained interior of a holding cell toilet while somebody else is on the outside ridin your scoot, bangin your ol lady and just basically enjoyin Life on the outside while youre rottin away in some upstate cell wondering why your "brothers" dont send you letters n cards, help out with your commissary account, look after your ol lady and the house bills etc ..just cuz you wanted to fit in with this "outlaw" label.No, my friend. The TRUE "Outlaw" is one who internalizes what it means to be "outlaw". Someone who'se traveled the miles inside the heart n KNOWS the difference between riding for sheer joy n freedom AND the bonds and specific codes that REAL Bikers carry. NOT somebody who associates "Outlaw" with criminal behavior n activity. Need I remind you the countless stories of the feds railroading innocent bikers who r guilty until proven innocent in a "court of law" jus cause they r either "associates" with certain types of an outlaw club.

  2. This previous opinion by myself was forced to be edited pretty poorly in my opinion becasue i had too many words to input so let me continue right quick n fast here...just to supplement..I know that eventually the REAL Bikers will mature and grow more insightful as they grow as "bikers' and gather wisdom that comes ( at least one hopes so) with the advent of encroaching age and insight. Eventually the bullshit that has seeped into our lifestyle will cancel each other out and only the true ones will remain to reclaim and re-direct the original visions that mc clubs intended. There...nuff said. Sing Sing out!

  3. Hey Preacher! Im hopin to read a piece about the emergence of all these "inner city' "Biker" clubs poppin out all over the place just basically FUCKIN SHIT up for us real riders on the NYC scene. First it was that crew callin itself 300 MC fightin with Yonkers cops now its this gunfight murder on the doorstep of Gods Only Demons MC. WTF! This shit is gettin TOTALLY OUTTA HAND! THIS is the reason why real Bikers are on the radar and get harrassed. Cuz assholes like these buy a bike and think they're "Bikers"!! Its gonna be an interesting season next year...
