Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Is FUCKERY a word?

It truly says something about the human condition that despite being on the planet for millions of years we are still inventing new words to describe the lowly behaviors that redefine our decadent place in contemporary society today. Cain might very well be the first asshole ever and appropriately so since he did after all kill his own brother.  Lilith was such a bitch that Adam asked God to make him a new woman which I think classifies her for being the very first bitch ever.  Not to be outdone, a little time later Eve proved to be the first chicken head in history by deciding a fruit salad with apples would be FDA approved-it was not.

Continuing a fine tradition of bad behavior, the MC community has aggregated enough bad behavior that a new word has emerged to define all the bad behavior in one cesspool of stupid and it’s called fuckery.  Because every blog requires a great deal of research and sarcasm, I did some research to couple with my organic sense of sarcasm and found a “text book” definition of fuckery.

fuckery definition
and fuck-house
  1. n.
    a brothel; a house of prostitution. (Taboo. Usually objectionable.) :  This street is just one fuckery after another. ,  The suspect referred to the brothel as a “fuck-house,” if you'll pardon my French.
Again, how incredibly appropriate as it clearly applies to today’s MC culture and how people see it, interact with it and respect it, or lack thereof. MC’s today treat the culture of MC-ing as a fuck house, a place of prostitution where they come into this life to fuck it, or fuck with it but not to love it.  You don’t love the MC because if you loved the MC you wouldn’t be so intent on fucking it and by subscribing to a fucking it mentality, you’re a Fuckery Ambassador. I’m choosing my words carefully here. An ambassador is someone who represents an organization, person or philosophy shared by a group of people in a foreign land or space. As a fuckery ambassador I’m saying you’re coming into the MC community, or more aptly infiltrating it with impure intentions of spreading your fuckery. If you don’t know protocol, you don’t respect protocol, you don’t know history or worse, you’re not interested in the history of what this culture is, the how and why it is what it is, you, my friend are a Fuckery Ambassador.

For example…

I don’t ever go into my closet and pull out my police man uniform, hop on my motorcycle and go arrest people and eat free because of my badge. You wanna know why? ‘cause I’m not a fuckin’ cop. So, I’d very much like an explanation as to where people get off wearing a three piece patch with a state bottom rocker when they’re not outlaws and they don’t belong to an outlaw club either by association, brotherhood or actual membership. You’re NOT an outlaw so why are you dressing up as one? Innocently enough a big reason is because a lot of clubs and the people in them didn’t do their research and didn’t know that the three piece patch is essentially the calling card for outlaws on the MC set. But now that you do know, what are you doing to fix the problem? Are you going to suddenly do “outlaw things” or are you going to eat humble pie, bring the situation to the members in your club and allow the club to decide the lifestyle they want to lead or look at other options that include a two piece patch, no state bottom rocker, RC and no MC on the back? Now should you elect to fuck the MC community and go with your three piece patch including the state bottom rocker, be prepared to deal with the responsibility and consequences of your decision. But clearly, you’ve stepped in your own fuckery and are prepared to die for it because a three piece rocker means literally that you’re willing to die for it.  

When I visit someone’s home I always make it a point of greeting and showing my appreciation to the master of the house for allowing me in her or his home. It’s called respect. Understand this, people, every state or territory has a master or in this case, an OMC and they are allowing you into their home by you wearing rags and having an MC on your back. For new clubs to voluntarily NOT show those OMC’s their proper respect by speaking to them, getting direction from them and/or just understanding the political layout of the land within that territory is comparable to you walking into someone’s home uninvited, taking a shit in the living room, wiping your ass with their issue of Jet magazine, making yourself something to drink, leaving the dirty cup in the sink and walking your ass out. That’s how disrespectful that is.  OMC’s are NOT in the business of telling clubs what to do however they are in the business of policing their territories to ensure MC protocol, traditions and values are being followed, adhered to or at the very least acknowledged by the clubs within their circumference. If an OMC does have to tell a club what to do, it’s not an agenda of a bully to do such things. It’s the overseeing of a territory by the people who have the muscle to police it and keep everyone safe and riding.  Things get ugly when the dirty dish in the sink ends up as a broken dish being used to stab a disrespectful person in their throat. You have no idea what that Dominant has done or is doing to ensure your state or region doesn’t become a war zone or what they’ve done in the past to ensure your safe passage today; the least you can do is show them the respect they deserve by breaking bread with them and learning from them what they’re willing to share with you.

Eve not only cursed women with the pain of childbirth for all time but she apparently also cursed females with the pain of estrogen fuckery that is on full display like big titties in a small bra. The MC culture is NOT general culture. Yes, there was a civil rights movement in this country but not in the MC community. Yes, there was a big women’s right to vote thing in the 20’s but not in the MC community.  The point is bringing “the real world” and “the real world” logic into the MC community is a mistake. It doesn’t work that way.  Let me be crystal about this: when you put MC on your back, you are coming into THIS world; you are not bringing your world into THIS world. When you go to war, you don’t bring the luxuries of Target, McDonalds and whatever else you did as a civilian into war with you. You have to deal with the realities of war and the gun in your hand. When you leave the civilian world (and make no mistake about it, you are leaving) and come into the MC world, you are now dealing with the realities of the MC world and that means the MC on your back and the motorcycle in between your legs.  Women may have burned their bra’s in the real world but this world most men don’t even expect a woman to be wearing a bra so what do you have to burn? Let me make a suggestion or two; please burn the idea of women even starting and being sanctioned to operate as an OMC. That will never happen. Please burn the idea of women ever wearing a diamond on their rags. Al Sharpton will be the next black president before that ever happens. Please burn the idea of outlaws accepting women on the same table as men.  Thinking anything different is pure fuckery on your part. Men and women have very specific roles in this community and less conflict happens when each gender knows and plays their role or as some of it say, “stay’s in their lane.”  If I may make one last suggestion…bring your bra’s to the next MC party you attend and let’s make a party out of burning them all so at the very least, we all can enjoy a nice toasty fire.

Here’s an MC Fuckery checklist that I came up with.  These things should help you identify the Fuckery Ambassadors in your community.
·         RAGS
o   Bedazzled Rags: no man should have gems on his rags. Period. And if an MC condones this sort of La Cage Aux Folles behavior, the entire team is suspect. If your rags light up, please be sure to have your light bills paid when someone does show up to turn "off" your lights.
o   Backward FB posts: if you or any member of your MC are taking their rags off and wearing it backwards, you are living the Fuckery high life.
o   Diana Ross: if your MC has multiple rags for different occasions including different colors, you are exhibiting Diana Ross concert outfit change behavior. You are a fucktard.
o   I will try to make this clear since the first few thousand times I said it, the masses didn’t understand. I have no issue with trophy parties but what I do have issue with are the trophies that are given away at these parties. I cannot understand how a plastic trophy is beneficial to a biker and what’s worse; we’ve caught word of clubs actually coming to blows over these $5 plastic trophies.  
§  If you and your club have ever showed up to an MC event in cages to win a trophy, you are participating in fuckery.
§   If you and your club have ever gotten into a beef with another club over who deserves what trophy, you are participating in fuckery.
§  If you and your club have more trophies then miles, more trophies then people with actual motorcycles then you, my friend are a fucktard and you and your club are participating in fuckery.
o   This isn’t complicated. If you have members in your “MC” and they have no motorcycle, you are a SC. You’re not even an RC ‘cause all your members can’t or don’t ride. You are a SC because I’m presuming you’re at least social but make no mistake, you are NOT MC. You are a Sucka in a Sucka MC participating in MC fuckery.
o   Ladies, close your eyes for the next few sentences. Thanks. Guys, there are some bad ass chicks on FB who ride. You know the chick who posts a billion pics of herself and gets a billion likes even on old pictures when she reposts them. How ‘bout that chick who rides but doesn’t have hardly any pics of her and her bike but she’s always half naked at every MC party and everyone wants to take pics with her. Yeah, THAT chick. Look, I’ll admit…I look at her pics and hit the like button once too many times too but let’s keep it real, you can’t allow these chicks into your club on the strength of how many FB friends they have and how big her ass is. That’s Facebook prospecting and like a trophy party, you want this female as a trophy in your MC to bring more attention to your club.  It goes against everything a club should be looking for in a prospect because you have to remember, every potential prospect is a potential brother or sister and if you’re basing your family on Facebook likes, you’re definitely an MC who is NOT gonna get a Facebook poke from me. And don’t get me wrong, we’re men...we LOVE the naked ladies on the bikes but we’re talking MC and the only three things we should be concerned with when it comes to the MC are brotherhood, bikes and riding. Big booty chicks are not on that list.  Okay, ladies…you can start reading again.

Because the question wasn’t rhetorical, I’m going to answer it and say, yes, Fuckery is a word. ..in case you hadn’t pick up on that yet.

I could go on but I’d be belaboring my point and for all MC purists out there, I do believe you can add to this list of fuckery just as easily as I can. It is truly a testimony to the human spirit that despite millions of years to get it right, we prevail consistently at being adamant on getting so many things wrong.  Arrogance and ignorance coupled with an intense lack of humility is at the core of the condition that results in MC fuckery. Arrogance because so many people have said they don’t want, nor need the interaction with the OMC to operate their own MC. Ignorance because those who don’t know their past are doomed not to respect the gift of the present. Humility or a lack there of, because when it’s brought to their attention what they’re doing wrong and how they can fix it, they choose instead to continue disrespecting the culture and committing to their fuckery.

The good Lord realized there’d be people like this. Even after sending his one and only son, they not only killed Him, but they hated him for pointing out what they were doing wrong and how they could get right.  Even the Lord has a limit to his patience and that limit is called Hell.

Maybe it’s time we follow the example made by the Lord and introduce a little bit of Hell to the MC community. 

But who am I to talk? I’m only a fire and brimstone breathing MC preacher.

Fuck on, people



  1. That you for your time and knowledge to educate. Keep passing on the info
    Big mill Columbus Ohio

    1. We'll serve the MC community as long as the community allows us. Thanks, Big Mill.

    2. I dropped my colors about 2 weeks before discovering your blog. I must admit I was an ambassador of fuckery. And for that I am deeply embarrassed. I am so glad that I found your blog because when I was down with that team I felt I was doing wrong.Your word help me realize that I made the right choice and that what I felt was truth.

  2. While I try to keep fuckery to a minimum I have to admit I've been guilty of some offenses as an early patch holder. I guess my education wasn't quite complete. Thanks for keeping this blog going, it helps me understand history about the life in general outside of my club.
