by Bryte of B.R.A.T.S MC, QUEENS, NY
name is Bryte and I have been on the set for close to 15 years. My time has been divided as an Independent
rider, a member of an all female club for close to 10 years and now my
husband and I are currently in the B.R.A.T.S MC out of Queens, NY which is a
co-ed club.
I have been a supporter, committed reader and participant of
the SUCKA FREE BLOG/MOVEMENT for the past 5 or 6 months. We
have talked about Protocol, pop up clubs, other entities, PRO’s, and a host of
other very timely topics. One of my
favorite topics covered here and in many other groups that I belong to is women
on the set. These discussions have
included female MC’s; whether women should rock MC on their cuts, and whether
or not women have to follow the same protocols as men do when they are trying
to come out on the set as a new club.
There is however one topic that has not yet been talked about on this
blog and that is women who wear the designation ‘PROPERTY OF” on their
cuts. Disclaimer fam – I do not wear PROPERTY
OF on my cuts, as I am a fully patched member of a co-ed club. However this topic is very near and dear to
my heart for a few reasons. First I am a
married to a man who wears MC on his cuts so I truly understand the mindset and
philosophy, and second I completely respect and honor the tradition that has
been in place long before we entered into this MC world.
So this phrase PROPERTY OF….what exactly does it mean on the
MC set? Let’s look at history. The men who started MC clubs had fought
together in WWII and had ridden
motorcycles during the war and so basically they wanted to keep the traditions
of this bond that they had formed, and thus starting these MENS CLUBS aka
MCs. So of course no women were
allowed. Now you may be wondering -
these fellows just came home from war and it might seem only natural that they
would want the company of women as much as possible. WRONG!!!
Let’s face some facts that may be hard to swallow for some of the women
who are reading this. Whenever a woman
comes into a mix of men and can have a say, their brotherhood is immediately in
jeopardy. Not totally the fault of the woman,
but a mere fact. The men sizing her up,
she sizing them up next thing you know jealousy, envy and revenge are set in
cannot take this risk. So the “no women”
policy makes perfect sense to me. So it
was decided at some point to allow women to be associated with the clubs by way
of their husbands, significant others or men who sponsored them but not as
members or full patch holders. These
women would be honored as “Property Of” their men or “Property of” the club.
I’m sure if you would go to any dictionary, you would find
that the word Property is defined as something of value that one possesses either tangible, such as
land, or intangible, such as patents, copyrights, etc. So right there, many of you have already taken
it and put a negative connotation on the word.
To those of you who feel that way before you read this complete blog, I
will say we are not talking about academics here, we are not talking about
Webster’s meaning - we are talking about
what PROPERTY OF means on the MC set because it is something totally different.
For those who are believers the Bible, we accept that the
man is the head and we accept the same thing in the MC world. It says in Ephesians 5:22-24 “wives submit to
your own husbands as to the Lord for the husband is head of the wife as also
Christ is head of the church and he is the Savior of the body, therefore just
as the church is subject to Christ so let the wives be to their own husbands in
everything”. Everything includes the MC
My first exposure to women wearing that designation was when
I attended the Round Up in Rockingham, NC in 2005. I was down there with my cousin and his MC,
who are traditionalists and I met these sisters. These had to be some of the most interesting,
together and straight up women I have ever met.
We ate, drank, slept and partied together for the entire week in that
campsite and these women taught me the large majority of what I know today
about MC protocol and culture. When I
asked them exactly what this PROPERTY OF on their cuts meant, one said to me
that it meant FREEDOM. I didn’t
understand it on that day and I didn’t go any further with my questioning,
however I have grown and matured in this MC world and now I get it. But since I am not Property Of, I asked one
of the most respected, knowledgeable and classy women on the set, who is PROPERTY
OF THE FLYING PANTHERS MC out of KENTUCKY, if she would be so kind as to allow
me to interview her to lend some authority and validity to this blog.
Me: Hi Precious I want to thank
you for giving me the opportunity to speak with you about the topic of women
being Property in the MC world. So how
long have you been with Flying Panthers MC and how did you become part of the
I’ve been with Flying Panthers MC
about 17 years. My husband’s father was
the founder and so I was hanging around him (we weren’t married at the time)
Me: Did you know anything about
being Property then?
Precious: When I first came in I didn’t know too
much but the older Property ladies of the club schooled me, and said this is
how we do things,, I pretty much hung up
around my husband. One of the ladies
took me aside and gave me the rules. One
of the first things I was told is that I was a supporter. I questioned why I couldn’t wear what he wore
and she broke it down to me. I was told
a few others things that I can’t mention here and I said I could handle
that. We support our brothers in what
they do in all aspects
ME: Ok so explain to our readers
just what it means for a woman to be Property Of
PRECIOUS: I would just say to sum it all up we are
supporters. One way or another. We support our husbands, our boyfriends and
our sponsors. We back our men up so you know it’s like….well
I don’t want to compare it to marriage.
We support them unconditionally we don’t have to think about it. And they have never put us in any dangerous
situation but we back our men up 100%. And they back us up 110% because they
value us. You know you take care of what
you value whether it is your home or your car it’s your Property and you take
care of it and it’s not looked at as a bad thing. It’s your Property and you don’t let anyone
do anything crazy to your Property
ME I have heard some women who
are Property say that their vest is just like a wedding band
PRECIOUS I guess there is a lot of truth to
it. But I guess the reason I don’t
compare it to a wedding band to me because a woman will leave a club. They will walk away from their club before
they will walk away from their marriage. There are some comparisons but I was
counseled not to allow the club to come before my marriage. Unmarried women, I can see how the vest is like a wedding
ME Tell me about the women who
wear Property of?
PRECIOUS We are looked at differently than other
women on the set. We get a lot of
respect from our brothers and brothers in other clubs. Not every woman can wear Property. Im head Property but I don’t tell my brothers
what to do. But they do value my opinion.
Properties for us, you have to be respectable and if I am seeing
something in one of the girls that I don’t like I will address it. This is a responsibility that was given to
me. I will talk to the lady if I have a
problem, I pretty much take care of the things that the men don’t want to deal
with regarding the women, and it comes with a lot of responsibility. I want people to see me for me and not judge
me for what is on my back.
ME: What is the difference between
being Property of a Club and Property of your Man?
a woman wears “Property of “her clubs name” it means they are
Not attached to a particular
man in the club. But it also does not mean they are attached to every man
in the club either. But we all are taken
care of the same way; we all get the same amount of respect from our club and other clubs
ME: There
are so many negative stereo types attached to women who are Property of. Let’s dispel some of them.
Stereotype: Women who are Property have low self-esteem
PRECIOUS: Untrue! My self-esteem is very high and I wear my Property
patch proud.
You have to have high self-esteem in order to wear it. You cannot feel down about yourself and be
able to defend the wearing of the patch.
I feel worse about my weight
than I do my patch. Lol I feel that any
woman who wears Property has to have high esteem in order to withstand all the
negative reaction you sometimes
get. And people who think negatively
don’t have the courage to say it to our face. People try to make you feel like you
shouldn’t wear Property. It’s not the
first thing I say to people but I will
tell you because I am not ashamed of it. I will never stand up against the wall to hide
it If you don’t like it, it’s not my problem.
ME: Stereotype: Women who wear Property get passed around by
all the men in the club:
As a matter of fact you don’t have to wear a Property patch to get
passed around. There are plenty of
women who were no cuts at all and they get passed around. And nobody has any issue with that. I know women that are not Property in family
clubs and sports bike clubs they get passed around. I have seen it. But let’s just say a woman
with a club Property patch on does want to be with multiple men in their club,
if that is the case then that’s their business.
ME: Stereotype: Women who are Property cannot own or ride
their own bikes
PRECIOUS: Untrue! I ride! And I know other Property who ride and they
are not riding bitch unless they choose to.
ME: What would you say are the advantages
of being Property?
PRECIOUS: The advantages are that we are more respected
than women on the set who ride with all female clubs or are in co-ed clubs. Some people may call it fear because once men
see my patch they don’t approach or go there with me. So it is a feeling of freedom. The
freedom to me is when you are with your people.
When we are around people I move around with no worries. It’s one of those things like when you are
with your family they are your protection
your freedom is being part of a nation of women who wear Property
patches and we are part of a larger nation.
I know some will look at it like we don’t get to do this and that that
in our Nation, but we are like their
QUEENS!! It’s like we support them
100%nd they support us 110%. The freedom
is in the wearing of the PROPERTY OF PATCH.
ME: And what are some of the
PRECIOUS: I can’t think of any.
ME: What
advice would you give a woman who has to decide if she wants to be Property of?
PRECIOUS: Even if it is your husband boyfriend or
just your “boo” I would still say be around the club and hang around and make
sure. I wouldn’t suggest just jumping
in. Hang around and get the feel. Move around that person who wants you to be their
Property. If you have a sponsor, go with
them to events and make sure that you talk to other properties. The thing about a bunch of women, they won’t see
eye to eye and get along about everything. But these are ladies you have to
support your club with so Get to know them.
If I know that a sister has a sponsor in my club I will talk to her
about what it is because I would rather her know the real deal.
ME: Why did you decide to be Property
of the club and not your husband’s Property? How does he feel about that?
Because I was Property of my club
before we got married and he is ok with that.
My commitment to my husband is as his wife; my commitment as Property is
to my club. And my husband is NATIONAL PRESIDENT
AND I AM FIRST LADY AND WE ARE ONE! lol That is even more protection for
me. First Lady is just that! But I don’t need to wear a first lady
patch. I want people to first know me,
when you know me then you will know my title.
I don’t want any kind of special treatment. Treat
me the way you treat the rest of my ladies.
Just get to know me first before you know the weight I carry. When you see me I have the same thing on as
my sister so you respect us equally. I
am a people person I am not going to push my title. I don’t want people to
prejudge me. If they know I’m Property
first they may have negative preconceived notions that we discussed earlier. The respect that we have from our brothers
won’t allow us to act crazy.
ME: Precious how you feel about
female bikers?
PRECIOUS: I have respect for them. I think it’s a
beautiful thing. They should know
protocol. I realize that being Property
ain’t for everyone, but you should at least know about it. The only thing I don’t like about female MCs
are those who feel that the only thing that they have to do is ride. You also need to know protocol. When you know protocol and history they won’t
be so ready to think being Property of is negative and always feel like they
have to challenge the men. If you don’t
educated yourself and learn then you are gonna be pissed off and mad cause you
can’t do certain things. When you put
these rags on you have a certain responsibilities.
ME: How do your brothers in your
club really treat you?
PRECIOUS: We are very protected by our
brothers. If you ever disrespect a Property
you will be handled. It’s almost like
disrespecting somebodies mama. It’s
gonna be a problem and there will be no discussion and no questions asked. We are
valuable and we are valued by other brothers and our sisters and our nation
ME: How do you feel about not being
able to vote?
PRECIOUS: Someone complained about me not being able
to vote, and I told
that this is not about my civil rights.
Until Obama became President, you
probably didn’t vote! Lol When it’s time
to vote in November, being Property
doesn’t stop me. Listen I don’t involve
myself in the men’s issues. I’m part of
a men’s club so that is not my business and it’s not my problem. They are the ones that take care of that, We don’t vote and we are taken care of regardless of whether we vote or
ME: So how does someone go about
being Property if they are currently not Property of any club or a man?
PRECIOUS: The best way to know about Property is to
talk to a Property. Don’t judge a book
by its cover. Do not go by what your
neighbor tells you. Go to a dominant
club if you don’t know any Property. I
think coming from a man he can tell you some things about Property but is more
valid if it comes from someone a woman who lives it. A man doesn’t live it. Go to one of the ladies. Approach them respectfully don’t come with no
attitude. Like “if you don’t mind can I
speak with you about Property?” There will be some things that she can tell you
and things that she can’t. I have spoken
to women who I am the one and only Property they know. But I am open. Do not just go off what you
hear and even then you can’t go by what you see. You may need an explanation. lol It’s
better to ask another Property if you want to know more about it.
ME: Well my sister I want to thank
you so very much for granting me this interview and being so candid and
informative and putting a face on this misunderstood part of the MC world. I respect you so very much and appreciate you
for who you are.
PRECIOUS: You are very welcomed.
Precious stated, being Property of “ain’t for everybody”, and if it ain’t for
then don’t do it. There are those who wear the PROPERTY OF
designation on their cuts to show their unconditional love and support for
their man and his MC and there are those of us women who wear it in our
hearts. At this time, I am in the latter
group as my husband is the head of our home because he leads, he provides, and he
protects our family. He submits to God and I submit to him. If ever the day comes that our current club decides to transition
to a traditional MC or my husband decides to transition to a traditional MC, I
will proudly and with honor wear “PROPERY OF ROCK” on the back of my Rags as
another expression of my unconditional love, respect and support for him and
his brothers in his club.
Thank you.
Due to the demand for the topic and its controversial subject matter, the Property series will continue with Pt. II and III if necessary.
Thanks for reading as usual.
Due to the demand for the topic and its controversial subject matter, the Property series will continue with Pt. II and III if necessary.
Thanks for reading as usual.
to be Property of is an honor.
ReplyDeletewore my rags for 20yrs,retired a life long member.
the article was very good a little long, but still hit some good points.
Thanks for reading and commenting Saaiba58 I agree it was long because there is so much to say about the topic
"Treat me the way you treat the rest of my ladies. Just get to know me first before you know the weight I carry. When you see me I have the same thing on as my sister so you respect us equally."-Precious 1. I love that right there. Okay Bryte, you asked some great questions and helped to begin to shed some light, I hope, on Property. I respect the ladies who wear Property and Property Of. I too was ignorant when I first came into the MC world, was blind but now I see so to speak. Could you clarify for the readers, what type of club Flying Panthers MC is? This series is sure to get tongues wagging. I hope those who have a negative view or who have been disrespectful, are able to read and even ask questions.
ReplyDeleteThis has been a insightful article. Its funny how people will becomr critic rrather than lifters. Some many people critize before getting the knowledge behind a particular thing. The MC culture jas so many layers and people have to have a open mind to whatz on the set. I thing I heard it on a show, what word could you use that embodies everything like property of.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the education.
Thank you for your comments Sincere you are so right
DeleteI loved this article (long...but I toughed it out! LOL) I was first approached about "Property of" in 2007, I was confused initially and thought like many...NEGATIVELY! However I had come to know a few Properties and I really like them and what they stand for IF they went into it with open eyes! My issue is when it comes from chasing a man! I can't say that love would lead me down that path, for I haven't fallen in love with a dominant club member, so I can't say what I would or wouldn't do. I respect the fact that these ladies wear the cut and I thank you Precious for showing me that it takes a STRONG woman to do that because of all the negativity. Great read!
ReplyDeleteThank you Sxysix for your comments
DeleteHey baby, You and Precious 1 make an awesome team. This is a well written piece,much respect and love. Your article is a diamond in the rough, many facets of which have yet to be seen.
ReplyDeleteHubby, Rock
Thank you baby for being the love of my life, my best friend and number 1 supporter.
DeleteTo my Sister Bryte....job well done. Again to Precious, Thank you Thank you for your knowledge. Much Love to both of you ladies. *AMANEE BRAT*
DeleteHey Sis,thanks so much luv you as well
DeleteLoved the article. So glad that it was decided to address it. Being a property it was said to me that it was just to keep up with my husband. I had to explain that the decision was partly to support my husband, but also because to support his club(he is founder and was prez). He woukdnt have asked me(to wear these rags) if he didnt believe that I would respect, support, uphold, and work for our club. My husband and I have discussed it and God forbid we ever part ways I still have the option to stay property! He saw at that point how much I believed in our club. One last thing, I want to say that properties are very knowlegeable, intelligent, and hard working ladies.
ReplyDeletethanks for your response Saphyre. And that's what some people don't get, its not forced on anyone, it is their choice. So as long as your choice don't affect whether they eat or not, I just can't figure why they take it so personal, as if they have to live your life. Yes ma'am Property Of Ladies are as empowered if not more than most ladies on the set.
DeleteThank you, this article was very informative. I being honest did think negative of wearing the word property on my back. But if you really think about it. We women are still property even in co ed clubs. Just because that word isnt on your vest dnt make it so. MC Means Mens club .
ReplyDeleteThis is just my opinion.
you are quite welcomed and thank you for your response. We really are because its just a natural thing for our brothers to desire to protect us. I don't wear it on my cuts but as I stated in the article, I wear Property of my husband in my heart.
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ReplyDeleteThank you for reading the article and your response. Well I didn't depict Precious as anything, this is who she is. This was an article that she agreed to contribute to based on "her life" not all Property. The questions that were included questoins that women who are not property asked me to ask Precious. Did Precious provide a wrong answer to anything? You state that some Flying Panther's Property who vote and some who support. Sounds to me that Precious falls in the latter category. I ask you to please point out any information that Precious provided that was incorrect regarding her life as Property and provide us with the correct info because that is why we are all here....to learn. Thank you again
DeleteLast Anonymous if you want to speak about Flying Panthers MC you know who to contact. I know what I am and the life I live. IM NOT NEW TO THIS IM TRUE TO IT.... Holla at me when you been on the set 18 years, get a little more time on your belt and knowledge because obviously your not there yet...If the info is not coming from an active FPMC member its not valid. If you real with it you dont have to throw any names out there go to the source, you know who to contact. I answered the questions that were asked. I didnt say I was speaking on behalf of all Property I gave people parts of my own experiences and how I felt on being a property. You keep saying what I am not as if you know who I am....You may know my name but you sure as hell dont know my story... I will not entertain anymore of your comments if you want to discuss more about me or my club you know how to reach my folks.
ReplyDeleteThis is not going to be the only blog out on property,so if this didnt hit your spot maybe the next one will ...I was waiting for someone to say something negative I appreciate it Anonymous I knew you would come around lol thanks.
Hey sis, I am proud of you for your tempered response. I asked you about your life and thats what you spoke about. Never once did you refer to any other Property or how they do what they do - this was Your experience and many people learned alot from this interview. Much love
DeleteRespect goes a long way. Learn how to respect each others clubs. If you know anything about MC you know how important it is to give and receive respect. Disrespecting each other or clubs doesn't get you anywhere, you may draw a little attention from those who like to keep BS going but at the end of the day those who live and know about this life know what it means and what its all about giving respect.
ReplyDeletethank you for your response. You are so very right about respect.
DeleteAfter reading the article and all the responses I'm still digesting it all and it seems I have more questions than were answered ... I guess it would have been more concrete for me if more than one woman who wears "Property of" on her back had been interviewed. Maybe a few ladies from different clubs and even maybe a few who may been property at one point but chose to drop that title ... it needed more diversity than what was there. I did note that it is a series and I'm waiting for future installments before posing any questions ... I do know some women who proudly wear property on their back and I respect them highly. At the end of the day, the piece was one dimensional and left me flat. It's just my opinion and I'm always open to continuing reading the remaining installments to give the writer more time dig deeper into a topic that is somewhat controversial to many females who wear MC on their backs including me. I'm here to learn and not judge.
ReplyDeleteThanks for reading and for responding Yes you are absolutely correct it was one dimensional as it was abouta single individuals life experience. Please stay tuned for future installments and hopefully your questions will be answered. Are you a Property? If so please feel free to add info thst was not covered here. Thanks again
ReplyDeleteNo I'm not a property but I do have much love and respect those that I know who are. I'll be eagerly awaiting the future installments and may even have a few questions at that time. Thanks!!!
DeleteGood after noon all. I just finished reading some of the other comments that were made and I just wanted to add that if there were things that were not touched on in the interview then why not go ahead and ask them now? That way it can either be covered in part II or now. There are other properties out there who can (if allowed) share their experiences and as already stated,"tell the whole truth." I do know that it was done in the interview!!
ReplyDeleteI really appreciate the honesty about the article and wanting to learn more. I cannot wait to see what other questions, and comments are out there and understand what seems to be the problem with a woman being chosen to be ones (or the club's) property. IT IS AN HONOR!! We in no way disrespect the MC's whether men or women or coed. On the other hand others should not disrecpect us, or what we stand for. A lot of us have learned protocol, understand our duty, understand our place on the set, in our clubs. Once we get to that point things are so freeing and smooth. I like what Precious P1 said in the interview. FREEDOM!!! OMG what freedom!
Property is belonging to someone or a group. I am his responsibility. It means Im cherished, appreciated, looked to in some instances for my opinion. It means no one, and I mean no one steps to me or my sisters in a disrespectful way. It means that when my sponsor, my brothers or sisters need me I am there. I take of them and they take of me.....
Hi Saphyre.
DeleteWow!!! You added so much here. Thank you for your kind words and validating the article. You might want to write an artcle about your experience as Property I would liveas well. I would love to read it. Thank you again. Bryte
What if the "man" no longer wants you to be his "old lady"? Are you still part of the club? Are you required to remove the "property" patch at that point?
DeleteBryte, I was very impressed with the piece. You did the topic justice, you know you better have because I was gonna do the same topic and interview but you beat me to it. Precious, its always a pleasure hearing your take on the property from a property point of view. I can't wait for the next installment to get that "third dimensional" view on the property.
ReplyDeleteIdk why my name didn't come up on that reply but again, good job Bryte and precious! -$o Icy
DeleteThanks Icy. You know I was was waiting for you to read it and get your take on it. Your opinion means a lot to me 8o). Thanks again
DeleteLove this topic. Thank u Bryte & sister "Prescious P" I too hold my Property Patch with great respect. We are a big nationwide family and we don't allow our men to be disrespected, just as our men do not by any means allow us Properties to be disrespected. I have dated a Flying Panther and even parting ways we still hold the same level of respect as brother and sister and would go toe to toe if needed in a heartbeat. I love my Flying Panthers too my core. I wouldn't change my patch for nothing in the world much love..
ReplyDeleteLYRIC~Flying Panther Mc PROUD PROPERTY
thank you Lyric for reading and responding and trust me I know you are proud. I have never met a Property who was anything but proud! 8o)
My sisters Bryte n P1, what a great combination! This article was very good and knowledgeable! I enjoy it anytime u ladies speak. Keep on with the knowledge, I'm soaking it all up.... Love u ladies Dearly!
ReplyDeleteRain- Lady Ryderz Motorcycle Club
Hey baby girl! Thank you so very much for reading and commenting. Luv you more
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ReplyDeleteUltimately I think we should understand a few things...
ReplyDeleteThis piece was NOT written as the definitive Property piece. Sucka Free MC is an educational tool and if we learned anything from this piece it's that each club treats its MC differently as well as understanding what their respective roles are.
This piece served as an introduction to changing perception of property as "sex slaves" or "ho's" of an MC to women who in some cases, may actually play a role in that MC. Again, not the case in all MC's but again, this piece wasn't for that.
We presume because many of us are in an MC that outsiders understand this world and quite frankly they don't. And by outsiders I'm including people in MC's who don't know nothing about MC's. I say all that to say patience with the topics and the elementary step by step introduction to many people because everyone isn't on the same level.
Having said that we are already in the works for Pt. II and possibly Pt. III of the Property series and we'll see where that takes us.
Thanks for commenting everyone and please keep the exchanges going. They're just as powerful and educational as the blogs themselves.
Please understand that some of your questions may not get answered it just depends on what it is. I want people to understand that we as property deserve the same respect as we give ourselves and others around us. Unless one of us gives you a reason to feel some kind of way about us then don't get so caught up in it, just learn what you can. Their is only so much info I can give you, other things are not and would not be mentioned unless you are looking to be a part of a particular club they may give you more info...its not that I didn't want to say more I could have but I can only give you so much information as you would if someone is asking you about your club or this and that, you can only give so much info anything more you giving too much club info and unless your part of it,it would be on a need to know bases. Somethings I will not answer just because the answer may go to far in depth of my club business. I'm not the only property and can only speak on my own experiences and club. I know some other properties from other clubs with just as much knowledge and I converse with them often. Even amongst other properties from other clubs we still hold our code and stay true to our club, we talk but we know not to go to any level pertaining to our brothers. We know not to get in each others club business and we keep everything on friendly basis. I'm not have I never been one to try to take all the credit or act like I'm number one property or a know it all...although I've been on the set a looooong time I'm still learning and will continue to as long as GOD allows me to see another day, I am who I am love me or hate me I'm still going to do and be ME! Any that really truly know me know what's up. I would advise any lady who wants to know more about property to not just ask me ask others as well but at the same time understand and respect the fact that they may only give you so much info as well... I will tell you as much as I can and then I may have to fall back it just depends...once again I don't speak for all properties.some things we have in common and other things are soley on how their club is. All and all. This blog may not reach evryone but as long as one person now looks at "property" in a positive way and understand a little more, I will say this interview was worth it. Thanks for all the love . Feel free to hit me up. If you need to side bar that's fine too.
ReplyDeleteFlying Panthers MC (KY chapt)
Precious 1 aka P1
This subject was a good topic...sum choose comments to make it personal...which reflects the mentality of what they think a biker or OMC biker truly is...We have bikers...and we have wannabes...the Truth is in the Rider....FPMC!!!!!!!
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ReplyDeleteThe interview is a good read when will you guys do the next need other property experience good job.
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed the interview i think its great what you guys are doing to open closed minds on the property issue since people today want to stereotype keep up the good work.
ReplyDeleteNot to dis any of the ladies out there, but if an MC is based on the love of Motorcycles and brotherhood, it cannot have a woman as a member otherwise it wouldn't have "brotherhood"!!!! Mixed clubs can have "family" "camaraderie" but the very root of it is that bond between men aka Brotherhood!!!
ReplyDeleteHello all, I am Half Pint, I wear a "PROPERTY OF SING SING" on my back (lover rocker) and I wear it with my head held high. Most civilians out there just don't understand and you are so right about that. I have been around The Life for a long time and understand a lot about it.
ReplyDeleteI have been flying my Property Patch now for two years and I wear it proud. I don't care what other women out there have to say about. It is something I chose to do my man had no idea I just ordered it and came home with it on my vest. He was a little shocked that I know the life so well, he has been in the life for over 30 years now.
I know that when I walk into a Bar or rally I am wearing the QUEENS CROWN and I have the QUEENS SEAT.
Ladies all I have to say is that if you support your man 100% and you got his back through everything. Then the "Property Patch" just means that you back you man. And beside ladies who wants to go out and have some a**hole ruin your night with the "Property Patch" You can be FREE when you go out and have a good time with no WORRIES....
So there is honor in being "property of"? I have read your blog over three times, and I personally still do not agree but I do understand the logic in keeping the peace and respect amongst the genders in your clubs. However, as a man and father I cannot teach my daughter it ok to be "property of" anyone especially a club. But thank you for the blog, it was a great read. Peace and blessings to you all.