Monday, July 23, 2012

Top Ten Rag Violations

How important is fashion? When Michelle Obama wears an outfit that shows off her arms, the Conservative Right accuses her of being inappropriate while the liberal left go out and buy droves of whatever she was wearing to the point of putting that designer on the map. National magazines dedicate complete issues to fashion faux pax's.Style and E! Entertainment devote entire broadcast segments to break down the clothes celebrities wore, wear and shouldn't be wearing. The point is, fashion is very important and not just that, but doing fashion correctly is extremely paramount.

 The importance of fashion carries over to the MC world and like anything that is cemented in history, tradition and culture, there are protocols when it comes to fashion. The fashion we're obviously speaking about are the fashion of rags (cuts, vests, jackets-I will refer to them as rags as that's how me and my kind do). There are general fashion rules that could get you excluded from the major social affairs in NYC and LA like wearing white after Labor Day, a man's shoes not matching the color of his belt and the jury is still out on wearing dress shoes with no socks. Some people who want to rebel against "the rules" say the ones who enforce the rules so adamantly are slaves to tradition, or in this case a slave to fashion.

To them I'd say, we're all slaves. You just gotta know how pick your own plantation.

Make no mistake, the MC world is a plantation. You have a bunch house slaves (The weekend riders who ride to the bar and never ever during the rain) who don't understand why those niggers outside (bikers who actually put real work time on their bikes, their MC and the MC community) are fighting amongst themselves. "Y'all should just be happy to be riding. Who cares what your rags look like? Why do you care if that club is following tradition? Why do you care 'bout their rags and what their rags say?"- Those are those house slaves asking those dumb questions. We're gonna ignore them. And then you have those field niggers (Sucka MC's) who are actually out there working the field and puttin' in their time on two's but don't know shit about the MC culture. They're just happy to say they're MC and go to the parties. Those field niggers keep shaking their heads at the troublesome runaway slaves (Outlaws) who insist on not following Massah's rules. They're the ones (and I'm gonna quote Nas here) who keep talking that "crazy ass back to Africa" shit.  The early slaves were the hardest to get in line. The real hardasses were probably killed or thrown overboard during the Middle Passage but the ones who made it here and maintained a passion for their traditions and their culture refused to assimilate. They were Outlaws.

You see how certain things never change?

Again, I'm NOT saying everything Outlaws do is right or that their lifestyle is for everyone 'cause God knows I'd be reckless to even suggest that but the most revered Outlaws in history and in this MC thing are characters who while being different, have very similar traits. They are ferociously protective of their way of life and principles and they all have a code of honor that is more important to them then the air they breathe. That's something to aspire to, not shun but more people shun the way of the Outlaw because it means having to live up to your word and the consequences if you don't.

 Maybe when it comes to rag violators, we should keep this top ten list close and start giving people tickets by taking their picture and publishing it online. Now, that's not a bad idea at all. Until then, here are some of the top ten rag violations we could think of and the rules and regulations when it comes to each one.   

10- Reverse Rags in Photos
I was at an MC party last year and I asked a group of guys if they'd mind if I could take a picture of their rags. To my surprise they all turned around. Not one of them took their rags off and put it on their chest like so many clubs do when taking pictures. After I took the picture I made it a point of shaking each one of their hands and mentioned specifically how impressed I was that they knew protocol. How many times have you gone to an MC's Facebook page and you see a group shot of the team with their rags on their chest lookin' like a straight jacket. Let's make it clear for everyone out there reading this, your flag  (meaning your MC's symbol) BELONG on your back. They go no where else, ever. There are NO exceptions. When's the last time LeBron James took off his Jersey in a picture and turned it around?  Does the priest take off his tunic to make you more comfortable? It's who he is. You will respect who he is and how he does his thing. MC's should have that same respectful arrogance about their own flag. Taking your rags off to make it "better" for a picture by rocking it on your chest is considered in most traditional clubs as a major violation.

"When I see a club do that I know they don't know shit 'bout shit. If you don't even know not to wear your rags the wrong way, then what else do you  not know?" - Quote from OMC biker

 9-Multi-Color Rags
This one is very easy. Rags are supposed to be one of two colors; black or denim with an exception to brown here and there but that's rare. The blue, pink, white, multi-colored rags are not standard or accepted colors for rags. I understand especially with African American and Latina riders who want to color coordinate every got-damn thing and they have these multi-colored rags to accentuate an outfit. You're going about it the wrong way. You build around your rags, not the other way around and your rags are black or denim, period. It's as jarring and visually assaulting as when certain restaraunts serve green colored meat patties on St. Patrick's Day. It might taste the same, but that shit is green.We may all ride bikes but your rags are...(pause) Think of your rags as your uniform and before you, thousands of people wore the time honored tradition of MC rags. They didn't come down the highway lookin' like an angry collection of Rainbow Brite doll collectors. They came down the highway looking like bikers. If you join the military and green ain't your color (or white if you're Navy and so on) you don't go to your commanding officer and say, "Have you ever considered purple?" That uniform that you're wearing has been honored and blessed with blood, sweat and tears of millions of people before you. Your rags have as well. When bikers go to a party and someone takes a picture of all us together, do we want to look like a bunch of hardened love-to-ride fuckers or a bag of M&M's?

" I went to a party the other day and it looked like the god-damn rainbow coalition."-Quote from TX biker

8-Decorative Rags
Do you remember leg warmers? Some of us are old enough to remember them. How 'bout shoulder pad blazers? Wait, how 'bout this jeans? Do you notice the common trend in all those things? For one, all those trends are for women and secondly, they were all amazingly tacky and abhorrent fashion mistakes. Bedazzling rags is not only a fashion mistake on the level of unbridled magnitude but it's something that's most definitely feminine. Let me translate and please say this with me. Men don't wear leg warmers. Men don't bedazzle rags. Men don't wear thongs. Men don't bedazzle rags. (you see where I'm going with this).  Men don't wear high heels. Men don't bedazzle rags. Rags are a masculine piece of MC couture and they are not meant to be bedazzled. Would you put pink bowstrings on brass knuckles? Bedazzling your rags leads to other abominations such as glow in the dark rags. These things are some of the most desperate for attention, insecure acts an MC or biker can do. I've even seen mini TV monitors on rags. I don't make this shit up. You need to respect not just your rags, but the traditions from which rag "fashion" comes from. In most OMC's, a clean rag reeks of an undercover cop 'cause any real biker has rags that has some considerable wear and tear on them. Your rags should look like it's been through hell...and stayed there for a while. In other words, if you're a real biker you actually ride your bike and your rags would reflect that. If I met a rider with a TV monitor on his rags my first impression would be, "Luke, I am your father." Part of the reason why rags are kept simple is because the symbolism behind your club should speak volumes. You don't have to explain what your club symbol means but members within the club should know how important it is and nothing should distract or disrespect that logo. Of course if your club logo doesn't mean jack then maybe you might want to bedazzle your rags and plug in TV monitors and do glow in the dark things but that's up to you to decide and make the final call...or in this case, change that channel.

"To each their own but my thing is this, even if the circuit would give a pass for women to put gems on their rags, explain to me why the fuck a man would take the time to bedazzle his shit? That's just gay."- Quote from Club President

7-Rags in the Car
Your rags are meant to be flown like a flag. However, you've got to be smart in flying that flag. As an American I don't really recommend wearing your Captain America Halloween outfit to too many bar crawls in Palestine. It just wouldn't be a good idea but if you're in Palestine and that's your only outfit, I'd recommend that you turn it inside out and watch yo' ass. If for whatever reason you're getting into a car with your rags on, the standard protocol is for you to turn your rags inside out. You're not disrespecting your rags or your MC by doing that. In fact, you're showing them the most respect by 1-never allowing the flag of your club to be on anything BUT your back and 2-you're not allowing that flag to be tarnished by touching the inside of a cage. And while this applies more so to Outlaws (real Outaws; not you three patch wearing RC's)
cops have been known to drive by cars with bikers inside and once they notice the diamond or the club, the sirens tend to come on. Whether you're doing dirt or not, a stop by the cops is as fun as a Rikers Island involuntary prostate examination so just avoid the situation and keep your rags inside out if you're in a cage.

"Would you wear a helmet to get in your car to go get groceries? I guess if you were a retarded mutha-fucka you would but most people ain't doin' that."-AL biker 

6-Passenger & Rags
I know what basic logic says. If you have a passenger your rags won't be flying so what you do is allow your passenger to temporarily wear your rags for the duration of the trip. If you truly earned your rags through sweat, unprecedented effort and sometimes tears, why in the would would you even entertain the thought of someone else wearing your rags? Would you allow someone to wear your wedding band just 'cause "they wanted to see what it's like"? Of course you wouldn't. Aren't you married to your MC? Aren't you committed to your MC and the brothers in it? If the answer is yes then the answer is no for allowing anyone else to wear your rags in any circumstance. For the record, if you did allow someone to wear your rags and someone in your club saw, you should be getting a hefty fine because those rags represent a sacred brotherhood and that person you lent your rags to are NOT part of that brotherhood.Think of your rags as your woman's vagina. You had to really work to earn your woman's vagina and allows you the access you've entitled. After earning that access, would you share that vagina with anyone? More then likely the answer is no. Think of your rags as your vagina. It's yours. All, what your girlfriend thinks and does with her vagina is a blog topic for a whole different day...

"I don't know when people started handing out rags to girlfriends, wives and mistresses but every hang-a-long now has rags. That just tells me that particular club doesn't value their rags if they're handing them out like free condoms at the corner store clinic." - DE biker

5-Rags in Public
Your rags are like your balls; if someone's going to take them from you they're gonna have to be surgically removed from your body. You earned those rags and now you've gotten them and now you think it's a good idea to go somewhere and place them down? This is one of the rare instances in biker ettiquette where even another biker from another MC can pick up your rags and present them to your President. If you have a real President he'd fine his own member to get his own rags back. By placing your rags on the back of a chair, on the bars of your bike, etc. ANYWHERE besides your back you are disrespecting your club and your club colors. Do you know the kind of scorn an institution, private and public can incur if the American flag is ever seen touching the ground? Did you know in the Civil War the flag bearers only job was to carry the flag of his soldiers as bullets, cannon balls and swords soowshed by them? And not if, but when that idiot was killed, there was a second flag bearer who was to stand in his place. I've read that this position was considered to be so coveted that during battles when the bearers went down, soldiers would pick up the flag and carry on. While we all may think that ridiculous, it does demonstrate an uncanny amount of pride in their flag and what it represented. They were happy to die for their flag. Are you you willing not to lay down for yours? I know an Outlaw personally who gets off his motorcycle, walks into his house, locks the door behind him, goes in the basement, moves stuff around to get to his safe and places his rags in a locked safe. The only other thing he has in there are two guns and his birth certificate. He's the only one who knows the combination. When I asked him was that necessary he said to me, "Do you know how much the other clubs offer for our patch, dude?" That's how serious rags can be in this community. This rule is by far the easiest one of all them because it's the easiest not to violate. If you're wearing your rags and you go out, do not ever take them off in public. That's it.That simple. That basic. In fact, I'll say it again in my Karate Kid Mr. Miagi accent: "Rag on. Rag no off."

"When my mother got sick of me losing my shit as a kid she just started throwing my shit away. Tell you what-- I stopped losing shit after she started doing that" - IL biker

At first this one used to get on my nerves the way fat kids do who are in front of me in line at McDonalds. If you have on a vest and you have more then one designation, you essentially are watering down each aspect of the clubs or associations you're trying to rep because not only are you showing a fantastic ignorance of protocol, but you're telling everyone that you have an identity crisis. Yes. You're practically screaming that you are a crazy bitch. We're going to pretend that in our world it's okay for someone outside of an MC to wear rags. (It's not). I did say this used to get on my nerves which obviously means it doesn't move me to anger so much anymore and that's not to say it doesn't still irk me, but may people suffer from this issue. The issue by the way is brand identity. You have no idea who you are and by trying to be everything to everyone you're left with nothing. You're no one. Burger King suffered from this problem. They came out with these wonderfully hysterical ads with the Burger King character and they even started selling video games. People loved it. Funny thing is, their food sales slipped during this time and the reason they did is because BK was trying to be all things to all people instead of just being a fast food chain who served good enough food. They were having an identity crisis..much like the people who wear multiple Club association on their rags.  If you have a truck division, car division or whatever else, then traditionally they should have varsity sweaters or some other form of fashion identification. Club orgies on the back of rags is as good taste as inviting R. Kelly to your sisters sweet sixteen. It's in poor taste, it's inappropriate and it's downright stupid.

"If you saw a cop on the street and his uniform had him as NYPD and NYFD what would you do? You'd leave that mutha fucka alone and go find you a real cop or fireman is exactly what the fuck you'd do." NY biker 

3-Rags Out
One of the most popular blogs we've ever done is called MC Divorce: Leaving the Sucka's Behind and that was about leaving your MC and obviously a big part of that discussion was vest surrender. Leaving a club is bitter business without the added humble experience of surrendering a cut. If you're leaving the club on good terms it makes the surrender considerably easier but no one leaves a club on good terms. Either you were unhappy with them or they were unhappy with you and like a marriage five years past the point where the couple should've gotten divorced, people have bitter feelings that could spark into a forest fire of rage and fury with one wrong (or right) word. So if the point is to avoid a volcanic explosion of feelings there are a few things you can do. First is, just give up the vest and move on with your life. If you're not happy with the club and they're not happy with you, why hold onto it? Let it go. Second, refer to the bylaws and if you're entitled to something back for that vest then make it clear that's what you'd like back and once that's met you'll give up the vest. And third, if neither of those things can be settled amicably, do what you gotta do to either avoid doing what you gotta or to avoid getting caught doing whatever it is you feel you gotta do  (please feel free to read in between those lines). Bottom line, if you're no longer repping that club, then you have no business holding onto their colors, posting "old" pics or doing anything club related.
"Protocol would be to turn over your rags and make sure that your dues are caught up and that you are leaving on good turns from you current club" Outlaw biker, Indiana

2-Rags In
You ever go to an MC party and you look at peoples rags and you're like, "You really put that whack shit on yo' back?" Who hasn't? Before you prospect for a club and you're a hang-a-around, it may sound shallow but really take a look at a clubs back piece and think, "Do I really want to represent this flag?" It's not like you were born in Brooklyn and then at the age of sixteen decided you like the Japanese flag better and you wanna fly that. You ain't gotta a choice there. But in making an MC move, one of the things you have to consider is whether or not the flag, what it represents and the rags in general are something you could and would and will wear proudly. I know people who refuse to wear any rags that have any representation of death in them. Others don't like urban spellings or motifs and my personal favorite, anything from the movie Scarface gets a big no, no from me. (just 'cause I'm like, "Were you mutha fucka's THAT lazy?"). From an MC perspective this is going to be an eye opener for a few people because bylaws have become corroded of late with the wrong information concerning this. New members should never PAY to be in your club. New members should never PAY for their rags. From the moment a hang a long becomes a prospect they pay for the privlege of prospecting and they pay the dues accordingly. On the day they patch in, they should be presented with their rags and full flag without them having to pay any additional dollars because the fees should have already gone to cover that. I know too many clubs that double tax new members by making them pay for the last passage rite into the club. You don't want people feeling like they just bought into a corporation. They should feel as if they were accepted into a family. That's what brotherhood is about. You don't want to welcome a new member into your club by stealing money out their pocket on day one.

 "Then express interest with the new club that you would like to become a part of. Hang around, get to know the bros, then prospect if you think that the club is a good fit for you, then once the new club feels that you are ready they will patch you in. Make sure during your hang around time that the club you are wanting to join is gonna be the club that you see yourself retiring from. The hang around and prospecting stage could take over a year. If it's something that you really want, you will wait until the time is right." Outlaw biker, Indiana

1-Rag Approval
Nothing above means a thing if your rags haven't been approved by your dominant club. In other words, if you just got done watching Scarface and you took your hands out your pants long enough to design a patch, you just can't walk over, have it done up, pass it around to you and your friends and say you're a club. They couldn't even do that in Biker Boyz. You have to get your colors, your patch, your club approved by the dominant and until that happens you're an unsanctioned pop-up club ignoring one of the most important MC rules of all: respecting your dominant.  There's an old wives tale about a club who started their MC and thought they were safe from the dominant 'cause they rode sport bikes. Well, one day that dominant pulled up on a supermarket nonetheless and demanded an audience. It was all worked out but who wants to have their melon squeezing disrupted by a bunch of unhappy bikers? That same old wife told me a story about how a certain new cruiser club just flat out said they weren't going to the dominant 'cause they had no business dealing with "those type of people." I'm not sure what that meant but "those type of people" showed up at mr. new club man's place of business with pictures of his kids getting on and off the school bus, his wife buying groceries (maybe at the same super market as above) and needless to say, it took that club a whole lot longer to get their colors approved.  To belabor the point, just get your damn rags approved. It'll save you a whole lot of heartburn and it won't make you a wives tale of supermarket melon squeezing gone wrong.

"If Jesus came out the sky and wanted to open up a candy store, He couldn't just open that shit up. He'd have to get building permits, pay for inspectors and get licenses. All we're saying is see your local dominant. You'll have a permit for life." Outlaw Biker, TN

I sincerely hope that after reading this top ten you take a look at your own rags and consider what you're doing when you're rocking them...and when you're not. There is a lot of responsibility in rocking rags and it's better to understand what's expected of you, and what others looking at you and your team, expect of all of you in general. Yes, you can say, "We don't give a fuck" but there are plenty of people in this MC thing who do and they will treat you according to how you respect (or don't respect) traditional MC protocols and values and that starts with how you rock your rags.

Don't ridicule yourself by coming into a room lookin' like some Iron Man villain with a glow in the dark cut. Don't embarrass your host MC by pulling up to a bar wearing a sixteen year old girl's bedazzled vest. Unless your TV monitor is showing porn, no one wants to watch your stupid screen monitor cut and for the love of good, you're either an MC or nothing. Don't have club orgies on your rags.

I can't make you a biker simply by reading this blog but at least gotdamnit I can help you look the part.

My name is Preacha and I am a fashion consultant who is very good at knocking sucka's right the fuck out. Thanks for reading.


  1. I'm an old school brother, and have been on the scene patched up over 20 years so, believe me I understand the MC worlds. First off, I appreciate the reference to rags, as most still use the term colors, and tradition calls for the term rags. There is so much to the wearing of rags/cuts, and this top 10 could never cover it all however, some decent points were covered here. As an old school dude, there are three things that really bother me. The site of colors off a brother's back laid on a chair or wherever, the insult of putting other patches on the batch of the vest polluting the area and disrespecting the back part of your vest which is solely reserved for the club patches, the abuse of the incorrect patch set up, but i don't go there as a lot of people simply don't under what or why rags are set up a certain way. all in all, it saddens me to see some of the actions I see taking place and how a lot of the MC tradition is lost due to new comers not really understanding what the MC is all about. No disrepect to ANY one or ANY CLUB, but all I am saying that if you do not understand MC tradition, learn it and I personally have no issue sitting down with any club and helping or explaining the full protocols.
    Weasel - Newark Knights, MC

  2. Weasel, we're 100% in the same boat and I haven't been on the set nearly as long as you have. I was introduced to this life from Outlaws so that's all I know. When I finally got my own scooter and came into the circuit what I saw really disgusted me.

    This blog has been one that's been marinading with me for a long time and finally I just had to let it go 'cause I feel it's getting worse and worse every time I go to a bike event and see the things that I see.

    Thanks for reading and contributing, my man. It's VERY important for people reading the blog to see the thoughts of other bikers and not just us at Sucka Free. We're a nation of over 500 strong at this point and this blog belongs to y'all so say whatever the hell you wanna see even if you don't agree.

    Thanks again, Big Brother

  3. As always, good piece bro. Keep pushing on and teaching.
    Bishop - Wheels of Soul, IN

  4. I can not help but think of my Bro Ted Wern as I look this over, Ted would always wear Bright Color Shirts and people would ltell him he should only wear Black and Ted would always ask show me where it says that. Who made up the rule I can not wear a Bright red shirt or Orange , Yellow or what ever Color I want? As Bikers We pride ourselves on our unique individuality, But now it seems as if your talking about some type of Dress code. I dress the way I want to Blue Jeans Black T-shirts Leather Vest, Been Dressing this way a long time. I would not bedazzle my Rags when I was in my old MC, We had our by laws on what we could and could not have on our Cuts they where our Rules, I would never tell another MC what they could our could not do. If they came to me and asked I would have given them advice , But many things fall into the opinion category.

    I see many young MC's that our up and coming and I want to teach them what True Biker Brotherhood is all about, I want them to feel it and live it ! To many of the Youth of today it is all about Bling and that is going to show on the MC's Rags. There are things that are tradition and things that are apart of the Next generation, We may not get it and maybe we are not supposed to. When I am on the side of the road on a cold dark night and I see some new MC I want them to know enough to Pull over and help me out in the spirit of Biker Brotherhood . The way I feel they can Ride what ever they want and wear what ever they want.

    The vest don't make the Man the Man makes the vest !!!

    It is much more important we teach the next Generation of MCs and Motorcyclists what True Biker brotherhood is all about and not try to tell them how they should be Dressing. They are our Possible Future Brothers not our Kids. That's just how I feel anyway !

    Also I have found things are Very Different from area to area, what maybe seen as sacrilegious in one area is common practice in another. The not wearing your Colors in a Car is something that changes from MC to MC . I always wanted my Colors on my back where they belonged not on the backseat of my car or in the truck bouncing around.

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. I'm a hardass, LJ. You know that. I don't believe we can segregate what we need to teach the young clubs. If you're coming into a community you need to take the time to sit down and learn it. I'd much rather be masturbating to some Lisa Ann video then taking the hours upon hours that it takes to put together one of these blogs.

      Am I telling people what they can and can't do? No, but what I am instructing them on is what is considered acceptable by the traditions started by bikers long before any of us came along. I happen to respect those traditions and see any deviation of those protocols as disrespectful and ignorant.

  6. I understand and agree with most of what you are saying. I just have always believed that the Motorcycle Culture was started by rebelliousness men who wanted to do their own thing, How can we expect the next generation of Motorcyclists to be a part of it without them bringing their own unique Rebellion to this World and if they did not would they truly be Bikers?

    I have been working to teach the next Generation the Spirit of biker Brotherhood and Fighting for Biker Rights for around 20 years and one of the biggest problems is the Biker world is a world founded on Freedom and rebellion, There are no real rules to the biker world but one and that is RESPECT. I for one would not bedazzle any Cut I was wearing, nor do I get it in the Slightest why anyone would do it, But I will show the MC that does Respect if they show me Respect !

    As I have said before this is just my opinion! LJ James


    2. Anonymous,
      I appreciate your comments especially 'cause you have the balls to disagree and say it.

      Having said that you're right 'bout one thing. 1% rules govern only that 1% of the MC world which means 99% of you guys can act a fool and judging from what I'm seeing, you do. You don't have to follow the rules and the OMC'S have for the most part, given up making you follow the rules not because the rules no longer apply but because of a lot of other reasons.

      Every club can do what they want but when you do come in contact with the OMC and they're insulted by your presence and decide to make it known, please don't act like no one tried to warn you.

  7. This one's hard 'cause I've noted myself how true bikers are made up of rebellious folk but those same anarchists adhere to a very strict code of ethics, protocols and laws. It goes against everything the freedom the biker is searching for. Believe me, I've noticed.

    Thing is this, there is no such thing as true freedom and the reason being unless you're living on an Island, you can't do whatever the hell you wanna do. There's a rule for everything and in some capacity in everyday, we follow a rule.

    We choose to be bikers in an MC so we must accept the fact that there are traditions (I don't call them rules). I notice for myself, I tend not to follow rules UNLESS I agree with them so as a "true" biker, I adhere to, follow and respect the traditions of those who came before me. I respect them and thus, I respect the rules they laid down.

    Any divergence of those rules and traditions I see as disrespectful and ignorant.

  8. In reference to Black Biker X's comment.....these are not our kids..... You then mentioned them being the next generation.....its the same thing in my book.... We can't choose to teach one part of history and not all of it.
    Just like my father and many brothers fought to create tr history and protocols we discuss, we will lose all of them by watering down what we teach the new generation. Its imperative that we continue to teach everything or eventually the new generation will become the old generation and another new generation comes along knowing even less, as that cycle continues the traditional MC/Biker history and lifestyle has been lost.
    I commend those willing to buck the new popups & educate them. This is a great start

  9. I love you Preacha! Now that I've gotten that out of the way...thank you for writing blogs such as this one and educating the biker community. So many of us are clueless. I myself would be considered a part of the "new generation" because I have only been on the set going on 10 years (still a baby in terms of the MC world) but I am a hardcore traditionalist when it comes to abiding by MC etiquette, protocol, etc. and have a hard time getting my peers to understand my thoughts or even just listen to me, maybe because I'm a female? I am the VP of an all-female club and was just chastised by one of my members who read this blog and felt slighted because she didn't know this info and felt like I should have taught it to her. Well she is right. In my position and role, that is my responsibility and I took the heat for it but believe me, I don't know everything! I am still learning, each and every day, more and more about the set. I completely agree with all the violations mentioned regarding wearing rags. Most of them I was familiar with, a few I was not. It has always been a huge pet peeve of mine when I see folks wear their rags backwards for a pic. I was advised years ago that this was considered disrespectful and feel like an ass now for not sharing that information with my club. How can anyone do better if they don't know better? I will say though, that there was a time when I DID try to inform my local MC community of things that were right and wrong and was basically attacked for it. Who was I to tell them anything? Where does it say that? Who said we can't do this or that? I got tired. But, Preacha and Sucka MC Free has rejuvenated me. Riding is my passion and I truly believe that those who rock MC on their vests should RESPECT it and follow proper "traditions", not "rules". I guess I'm going to make some folks mad at me again because I'm going to start letting em know! As far as the "bling" generation and being rebellious, etc. I don't agree with that because I don't think the majority who are not following protocol are not doing it because they're being a "rebel"....they are doing it because they either don't know any better or (and I think this is more the case)... they don't care. Especially when so many of these folks who are rocking MC don't even ride or own bikes! BUT, that is a whole other topic...for a whole other blog.

    1. Jazzie, this kind of post rejuvenates me because lemme tell you, I get so much hate for what I do it's ridiculous. I keep telling people I don't make up anything. I just aggregate the information and put it in one place for people to read up on it. So, when I share it with you don't get mad at me that your club is violating nine of the ten rag protocols listed above.

      Jazzie, I'm constantly learning as well. I've placed myself in position to be around REAL BIKERS who belong to REAL CLUBS and without me asking them much, I absorb a lot and I share that in these blogs. You know my world is the Outlaw world because that's where I'm most comfortable because they live by and respect protocol.

      Jazzie, you keep on doin' you, girl and thank you for reading and posting. When people post their comments it's an opportunity for me to learn something and I never want to miss out on an opportunity to learn.

      Thank you...and for the record, love you too, girl!

  10. QuietStorm 1%er ~1934Pa. And i approve this message.

  11. Teaching a Person Tradition and History is very important if you google my name you will see I have been doing it for many years and I agree with many things Preacher says and writes. I just feel this falls under fashion not tradition. I am not saying to pick and choose what we teach, The Values that make up what a True Biker is (Male or Female)comes from the inside and is worn on the heart. They are the next generation and they are not our kids. I have no kids of my own but I have many friends who do and one of the Biggest fights most parents and Kids have is how they dress. If you look back threw the History of Motorcycling the fashion has changed over the years and it with continue to change. I am not saying I like it and I am not saying Preachers opinion is wrong I am just saying I feel it is an opinion. I guess what I really feel is i would rather have a Bunch of MC's with Bedazzled vests who have the true Biker Spirit and Heart, then a Bunch of MC's dress in Perfect Tradition who do not have any Values or Heart !!!

    I must say Preacha I do Love your writing and the reason I do respond is because the things you say have helped renewed my Spirit, We may not agree on every detail (It might be boring if we did) but what inspires me is that there are others who care about this Lifestyle and its continued Survival as much as I do ! and For that I Thank You !!!

    1. Friendship allows for passionate debate and beers afterwards, my man. I enjoy our back and forth "X" 'cause you've taught me much on my end and that's what this whole thing is about.

      See you soon, Big Brother

  12. Another Great Sermon Big Bruh!

  13. WOW! I was just reviewing this the other day when I attended a couple of events. It's amazing how people say they want to be traditional but go left with some traditions. I asked a individual once if they have there work cloths decorated the way their vest was. He looked at me strange, I guess he didnt know to give it thought or get upset.We at time wish to add curves to straight line situations. People have the mentality to move different than the herd, which is fine. But really fail to gain insight to Why they are doing it. I once shared that there are many who go left from tradition, there are Many More who wont say anything. The People who fail to respect tradition, then their identity is lost.

    1. I've got a great example for you.

      One of the breaking points for me in my last club was when the VP sat there in my face and said, "We don't have to follow tradition. We can start new traditions."

      It was the knife not in my chest, but in my throat. I have no problem establishing NEW traditions but NOT BEFORE traditional values and protocols are adhered to and followed. If they can't do that, you have no right fixing your lips to say "new traditions."

      What the hell are new traditions? If it's new, it can't be a tradition.

      Sincere, thanks for reading and commenting.

  14. I only wish I knew about your blog before I decided to join a club. I have to agree with American Biker X on fashion being fashion in the areas of diffrent colors and even bedazzling your rags. Personally I feel like if you're going to bedazzle your rags, then you might want to add a little stiching at the bottowm that reads "No Homo...seriously, I'm not!" But that's just my personal opinion and thank God we're all allowed to have them. Just the same I give respect when respect is given but don't know if I would be able to take that person seriously. I mean, I don't want to be with a man who has a bedazzled shirt...
    I feel as a sportsbike rider and as a female...I'm already going against tradition. Pointblank, there's no way around it. But I do wish someone would have told me, or I guess I should say properly groomed me for the MC life. I wasn't told anything, and in the beginning I really didn't know what to ask. First time I had any clue about what to do or not to do with my rags while in a car, was actually while seeing a live recording of All Rider's Radio. Think I had been in colors for a little over a month and been in the MC world for over a year. Over a damn year and that's the first time I heard anything about the wearing/not wearing of colors in a car.
    But enough of my ignorance to protocal. Thank you Preacha for being an outlet to the education of us bikers whether we be in a MC or not...this is information that every biker should and needs to know!!!

    1. Mystique, you learning now and now that you've been exposed to things, you gotta do something with it. All of us had to start somewhere. No one was born with mad knowledge 'bout this thing.

      I was exposed to it as a child by the outlaws who lived next door. When I started riding eighteen or so years later I was exposed to a lot of stuff I knew was wrong. Once I saw that I went about educating myself to more stuff and picked up on yet more things.

      I wanted that knowledge 'cause like in my personal and professional life, I don't have ass nothing and I wasn't gonna half ass my MC life. It means too much for me. I love it too much and have too much respect for it.

  15. 100% agree. -MWMC

    1. When you follow the rules, there's no 99%. It's 100%. I learned that from my lawyer telling me how it is and now how I'd like it to be.


    1. You must've prospected for the Iron Lions at one point, Coca.

    2. not really but he talks a good one. ask him how much he charges his member for patches and so on....keep talking about brooklyn mc's. im going to keep pulling his card.

  17. It's a clown show out here for real.and when we go on these assholes,because it makes for mockery of what our forefatbers put forth,they run to the law.foh

  18. RIDE your motorcycle club address ACROSS GEOGRAPHIC STATES (RAGS) to get your vest and patch tattered and to observe and learn proper MC protocol from real bikers that take pleasure in riding their motorcycles and don’t mind getting their vest and patch dirty from the weather elements.

    As a biker, I understand the importance of making sure Cagers can see motorcycle riders. However, I personally think it is a safety hazard to ride a motorcycle or drive a vehicle behind a rider with a bedazzled patch blinging in the sun or neon lights flashing in the dark, because it can temporarily distort a rider or drivers vision and cause an accident.

    I will continue to follow the OLD SCHOOL BIKER RAGS tradition by riding my motorcycle without the NEW SCHOOL RIDER BLING.

  19. As always you hit the nail on the head. At some point we have to also point the finger at the OMC that are blessing off some of these clubs. As you say, each one teach one. I am thankful to have many real, true die hard bikers that I can chop it up with and begin to understand the history and their knowledge. I hope that you have at least reached a few clubs that they might read this and say we need to get right.

    1. Breez, I JUST had a conversation with my big brother in the OMC and he agrees with you and me. OMC's cannot be givin' out support patches to any ol' club. It weakens the OMC's brand being associated with the bullshit.

      I'm gonna address it in a blog in a few weeks. Best believe that.

      Thank you for commenting, Breez. You know your opinion honors and blesses this blog something beautiful.

  20. Okay...I have finally stopped laughing long enough to chop it up with you real quick on this one.....You know I love to read your writing and you know I agree with 98.9% of this blog.....just because of who I am...and the world that I live in.

    But to play devil's advocate....I can see where many of the non-traditional clubs are probably screaming mad right now...especially those that are in total VIOLATION! As "X" stated....with the new school clubs...they are wanting to do their own thing in their own way and because they don't live in OUR realm...they are just why should they adhere to the protocols that we live and breathe by. I can see how they see their rags as a fashion statement and adorn them accordingly....Do I agree with NO!

    I do have an small addition to this...yeah Preacha my pet peeve:

    to quote one of my Bros: "Stop disrespecting your colors when you were issued your rags it didn't have anything extra on the back of it, why do you feel that you have to put extra shit back there, this shows is a lack of respect for your club and its colors and what they represent."

    But I do hope that those who read this blog and are serious about the MC LIFESTYLE will take note and make some changes..

    1. Mohogany, I can dig what you're saying but I had what I think is a pretty logical rebuttal.

      Those Sucka MC's as you described above are playing in "our" world 'cause they want to wear three piece patches and throw an MC in a cube on their back. That means you wanna play outlaw or traditional club. You're in "my" world which means I'm going to deal with you with the pretense of "my" rules. That means you better know how to approach someone like me and you had better know or understand why I won't acknowledge you if I see you're a whack...or rather a Sucka MC.

      Now if the shoe was on the other foot and I was playing in "their" world of Suckaness I'd have to adhere to their rules. The thing however is I don't reside in their world. They reside in mine so you had best believe my rules apply and when people of "my ilk" start enforcing those rules, bad things are gonna happen.


      And I totally agree with you. The only thing that belongs on the back of your rags are you club colors. That's it. If you put anything else on the back of your rags you are a Sucka. Plain and simple.

  21. I rather respect a MC with BEDAZZLE rags that follow protocols,than a Sucka MC with members and no bikes whom care about numbers and not loyalty. I know personally some MCs that put stones on their rags and they are some of the most real and respected to traditions and protocols. If you think they are gay just let your girl dictate that... Is 2012 people... Things change and they will never be like BACK IN THE DAY... Vietnam was long time ago and this MC life base is BROTHER hood. Instead of pointing fingers and could ah, should ah.... You got 2s? Ride them and if talking ish is all you can do, it is obviously you look at the MC life style as an excuse to get out of your pathetic life... Those before me lived the life that was presented to them. I will live mine following the base line "BROTHER HOOD" in which was imbedded by the GIs and military Personel that started all this evolution...

    1. THanks for sharing your opinion,Fam. Ultimately it comes down to do whatever it is you want. No one can force you to follow protocol or follow traditions but those MC's should keep in mind how they move is being recorded and evaluated by other MC's and the respect they may not get is due in part to how they present themselves.

      If you have members that have bikes and they actually ride that's great. But why stop there? Then that club knows enough to have that, why doesn't that club know enough to say having dedazzled gems is not...appropriate. We shouldn't do that.

      You follow tradition and protocol in one area but decide not to do it somewhere else? I don't get it.

  22. Brother, i sincerely appreciate your post. While I was already familiar with these particular protocols (because I researched and learned to listen to some of the elder clubs on the set), it is good to read and reinforce what I have understood for so long. I ride with a club that is 100% bikes and we have many riders in various stages of understanding and growth but we all strive to get better each and every day.

    The startling truth we see in Black/Latino club set is a ridiculous amount of aggressive independence. To me, i think it stems from being oppressed in so many other areas of our lives that when it comes to personal expression we just go overboard with it. It doesnt make it right but it does make it understandable.

    You dont see these issues with rags/cuts on the white set. So it leads me to believe we are somewhat contradictory by nature and by history. And it is the past oppression which makes us rally so hard against rules that seem to make us oppressed again. Or even to make us give up our individuality.

    And contrary to what the gentleman said above, it indeed can be like it used to be if we would all just follow the laws and rules set in place to protect us all. Of course this is just my opinion. These rules for rags and conduct are there to protect us...from ourselves and from other MCs that might not take it so kindly we are disrespecting the set they live and die for daily. The same way you cant go into a church and piss on the altar or play batting practice with the cross, is the same way you can't come onto the set with your own way of doing things. Either do it right or do it somewhere else.....

    All in all Preacha, this is an excellent piece and I appreciate you taking the time to educate and proliferate the minds of those who may not have realized until u put pen to paper.

    Much respect brother....

    1. I love messages like this 'cause there's so much logic in what you're saying.

      I'm not willing to surrender the fact that we're just rebellious by nature 'cause that sounds a lot like slave master talk. What I believe our people HAVE BECOME are lazy (more slave master talk I know) Learning, education, reading and all that stuff fall into the areas of enligtenment. But that comes responsibility and we don't want to be responsible for shit and that's what really irks me.

      In other words if you know better you must do better and our people don't want to know 'cause they don't want the added work of doing better and that irks me to no end.

  23. I am totally new to this MC community and traditions. Even though I put my ass on a motorcycle at age 11. I just started reading your blogs last night and can't stop. Very interesting stuff. And after reading this blog I sit here and look back at the times I've gone to MC events and think to myself wow a lot of disrespect to traditions. As for me I'm a Marine and Marines are full of traditions, those are things you respect or get the FUCK out!!! Many have gone before you and sweated died and bleed for those traditions so if you want to wear a patch rag colors etc you BETTER stick to and obey an respect those traditions and if not like I said get THE FUCK out!! Keep up the good work Preach your blog is fiaaaa !!! I Ride and don't wear rags/cuts on my back for personal reason but one thing I will do is respect tradition be it a 1% club or not you've all payed the price. And me being having served in the military I love the small piece you mentioned of the flag carriers. These kids now a days don't know what it means to serve something and protect it with everything you have and know. An especially follow its TRADITIONS!!

    Well sit keep writing so I could keep reading. Knowledge is power and thanks for giving me the knowledge!!! MUCH RESPECT!!

    1. Biggus, you just made my whole gotdamn year.

      Thank you, Big Brother.

  24. I agree 100% with all your violations. But do you address the clubs when you see them?

    Scott Smith aka Big Cat - H.O.O.D. Ryderz

    1. I have in the past. In fact I tried to address them in a former club that I was in and I was called out for being a poison because I was trying to educate the members as to what proper protocol was.

  25. I am a baby on the set as well 4 years & I appreciate every grain of knowledge that you take time to give. I found myself guilty of one of your 10, so trust & belive it will NEVER happen again. Wyld Child, MSR-NC

  26. Brother, I attended a Ruff Ryder anny this weekend and I seen so many WRONG rags (color/cloth/bling/patches/armbands) that it hurt my eyes. Our dominate club was showing love to the RRs and toward the end of the night they was severly disrespected by some visiting Ruff Ryders, shit went bad and the party ended early. Needless to say, RRs not getting a lot of love right now. Your dress, your behavior, and traditions DO set how others look at you. As always, appreciate your knowledge.

    1. Ironic you should say that 'cause i was at a party this past weekend where the rags I saw by RR were to beyond disgusting that many of us gave them our back when they came by us. They were so drunk and into their own fuckery I don't even think they noticed.

  27. I like to start off by thanking you for this great insight.
    I must admit i was one of those offenders of some of those protocols. I joined a club and didn't do my research and followed instead of leading. I watched many others follow. I'm currently not riding bcuz my bike was stolen and i currently not flying any rags. I humbly apologize for my roll i might have played in not keeping the tradition the way it needs to be kept.
    I want to thank everyone for input and teaching me.

  28. I have to admit that this was very informational. I have several rags/cuts that I wear and one of them have some stones on it. I am fairly new to the MC world, so when I was given the chance to order it that way I did. But I was thinking that since my club is not a MC but a MSC that it must have been an ok thing to do.

    Thanks for opening my eyes to the traditions.

  29. /Users/bluesman59/Pictures/FKMC.jpg

    Does anybody have any comments to this continued breech of protocol or just because they have been around since 1968 it must be okay. Reversed cuts is a big NO NO

  30. I guess my uploads don't appear, but this shit is all over Facebook. Flaming Knights MC photo

  31. Honestly I won't mention name or location and I won't disrespect any club but in my area, the club world seems to be in distress. many clubs are actin a fool and the "sanctioned" clubs arent following their own protocol. Brotherhood seems like a fading myth and it irks me. That's why sometimes new clubs aren't bad things. sometimes what you truly need is change

  32. Can a daughter of a motorcycle club member wear a vest saying (motorcycle club name) on the back and the bottom says family? Is that ok?
