SUCKA FREE MC Guest Blogger:
Ronnie Streeter
Oh, are you offended already?
If you are maybe that's a good thing because that's the reality of the world social clubs currently function in. As a member of a social club and a woman first, I don't think of myself or women in general as bitches but I know many who do, especially when you're not moving in your lane.
Staying in your lane isn't just an indication of where you're going but it's also a blueprint as to where you've been. Social Clubs have a rich history and background that clearly defines and outlines their original purpose. Many Social Clubs were elegantly dressed men and women who were true to the call of being social. They threw parties, events and socials. There were varying Social Clubs that date back as far as the 1800's when they were Mens Social Clubs. They were a place for men to gather away from home and work to smoke and drink and to “be men”. African American Social Clubs of the 1930's (primarily women) were smartly dressed people hosting meetings in immaculate homes and venues. Italian American and Irish American Social Clubs were historically made up almost entirely of men. Social Clubs aren't new to outside world but are the "new" kids on the block in terms of the MC world. What I've read and moreover "heard" is that Social Clubs as it pertains to the MC world came about because Ole Ladies, girls and hangarounds (not the ho persuasion) were already doing the cooking for either the members of their old mans club or events and all were NOT old lady's or Property and wanted a distinction. How true it is that Social Clubs were "sanctioned" per se is still being debated. What I do know is Social Clubs are here and don't seem to be going away. Men, Male Social Clubs in a highly testosterone arena as the Motor Cycle Community is a big NO. If you want to be a member of a Social Club, do it outside of the community..
Before our Social Club founders understood the layered bureaucracy of motorcycle clubs, which is a project all to itself, they were skeptical when initially approached to form a SC. That may have been well founded skepticism as we were going to be a SC that was going to be "under" a traditional MC and to my understanding, "wasn't all too interested" in having a SC supporting them. The primary reason for the in trepidation was because MANY of the SC's "on the set" had a bad name. Women who were no more than party girls who were friendly with too many Toms, lots of Dicks and even some Harry's gave the SC general population a bad name. Thank goodness, a few members of our brother MC, one in particular, had a vision of the SC becoming an arm to an expanding body but, he had to get his brothers to see and catch the same vision. After a few lively debates, it was agreed that the SC would be formed. The officers were already in place and members invited to join. I won't bore you with details of the initial meeting between the MC and the SC but suffice it to say is, a number of years later, it appears to be a match made in heaven.
For people who aren't aware, our SC functions with our own officers, bylaws, code of conduct etc. We have our own treasury and our own annual event. We however are very MUCH what a wife would (should) be to a husband; in this case our brother MC. If you're familiar with the term, we are a helpmeet. We do the "cooking, cleaning and ironing" so to speak. We provide food for their functions and auxiliary help as well as support in all their endeavors. We initiate and organize the charitable and civic works. Like any true marriage, we each know "our place" and while the MC is our husband we do have a voting voice on issues and topics brought to the table. Yes, we are obedient "wives" but we understand, respect and adhere to the power and position we hold within our place in the pecking order of the MC community and with our club specifically.
We make sure rules are followed in particular the "no fraternization" policy. Let's be real, men are men and women are women so I'm sure cookies have been crumbled in the cookie jar. If discovered, fines are in place. We have never had an issue which with discourse as it relates to men/women issues. We are truly a family.
Lest I have you believe that our brother MC could not function without us, I'd like to further clarify that they were doing just fine before we strolled our happy asses along. In other words, their lane was doing just fine without us. They agreed to bring us on board "their ride" and in doing so we always make it a point as a SC to "know our lane." We are a true social club. Why are we true? Well, we're attached to an MC. There should be NO independent Social Clubs running around. Yep I said it. Who the hell you gonna call when some shit goes down? And shit always goes down. We're a true Social Club because we drive in OUR lane. We are NOT the MC nor do we act like we ARE the MC. Just like any good "wife", we are a true Social Club because we understand that a house is just that until a woman comes to make it a home (thanks Sincere :). STOP. PAUSE. Traditionalist stand-down and hold your fire. There are certain qualities that your ole lady brings to the relationship that make you stronger as a couple as opposed to by yourself. That's what we bring to the table. We enhance what was already a very strong MC by knowing our place and excelling at what we do and how we do it. We do this by neither being an ole lady nor a house mama. The women in our social club were all friends from different walks of life who were brought together by our founders throughout their various walks.
The first event we attend as the newly formed SC under our MC was a trophy party (Preacha has covered those).
What the hell? Meat market was my first assessment. By meat
market I mean I stand and watch everything before I move or speak and what I
saw was some men who clearly saw women solely as objects. If there was respect
given to women, it was bestowed, grudgingly by some, upon women who rode. All
the other women at best were background noise. At the beginning, we all didn't
fully understand our purpose with our brother MC, but as we continued to grow
as an SC, I understood more and more how crucial knowing MC history is.
As I moved on and began to gain MC history and knowledge and an acute
understanding of it, I knew why many SC's (plus the other C's) were either only
tolerated or flat out ignored by some MC's.
We have SC's running around as independent entities within the MC community looking for respectability though they came into the game as back mattresses professionals. Worse, they see their respect being achieved by them simply rocking a vest. Wearing a vest but not addressing the behavior of those particular ladies leaves them acting as SC's whose idea of helping is unzipping the pants of MC's. SC's that think they are MC's (wtf on the 3 piece's and pics of bikes on their vest) are violating so many protocols that they don't realize the level of disdain they breed in any biker who knows a smidgen about MC history and lives by those old school protocols.
If what I described isn't your SC, that portion of the blog wasn't for you.
If you see your SC in the previous description, cease and desist immediately. The flip side is I've seen and know many SC's who are civic minded, community focused and who are an asset to their MC and community as a whole. Those Social Clubs who carry themselves with the highest regard at all times and I'm honored to work with and support. Although, I've been told by my MC friends whom I am close and share daily conversations about all things MC that I am not SC friendly. I assume it's because when the conversations come up and the harsh realities of how they see some SC's, I'm generally in agreement with many of their views. I'm not easily offended so if you're telling the truth, tell the truth. However, I will and have defended those ladies in SC's who move and flourish in their (our) lanes. My SC is very concerned with our public image and we work hard to maintain a positive image privately and in the community. We're all adults and in a social atmosphere have a good time but we do frown upon, public drunkenness, lewd behavior, etc. How is that relative you say? I have always said that a woman can't do what a man does and still be considered a lady. A man who beds everything moving is a stallion but a woman with the same tenacity would be labeled a ho. Keep it behind closed doors.
Allow me to take you back a few paragraphs. Our brother MC (any time I say "our" MC it refers to my brothers) consists of quite a few men (nice looking men) and our SC quite a few women (nice looking women) so I'm certain a line or 2 has been crossed. Has it ever come up? Has it ever been an issue? Have we ever had to have a meeting about it? The bullshit has never, not once disrupted our business and more importantly, their business. What I will tell you is that we LOVE our brothers and they LOVE us. We love them because they have honored us as their sister whom they will protect. They love us because without a doubt, they know they can depend on us, period. A happy home is a strong home. This has truly become a family that I'm proud to be a part of. They have us on whatever we need and they expect and get the same thing from us. Understood that they don't need us as women to protect them, that's their job for us.
Before someone says (you've probably been saying it) "Who gives her the right to even be talking to us?" I want to be clear that Preacha asked me to share my thoughts on my point of view on the SC world. The SC is for better or worse, part of that MC world now and so Preacha approached me asking for my uncensored thoughts on the matter. Like I explained to him (since he was and might very well remain unconvinced) how a functioning SC could be an asset to an MC I wanted to share. Anyone who reads Sucka Free knows his traditionalist point of view on all things MC but also, when I was asked, he stressed to me the point of Sucka Free is to learn and exchange ideas with the big picture being a deeper understanding between the segmented communities with the MC world.
Ladies (I can't even address you male Social Clubs), you have to get your minds right and you have to drive in your lane. I have holes inside my cheek where I've had to bite and cut my words when addressing our brother MC on issues and other MC's, because hello, “it wasn't my lane”. Know that my brothers don't require us to sit in the corner pretty with no thoughts or opinions but also know, we know our lanes. I won't even go into my reaction when I was new in the community and saw Property Patches for the first time. (*mofos, what?!) As I learned more and more, I see where it was/is a necessary precaution and preventative violence measure. My SC is primarily made up of "seasoned" women who basically are women who understand a spirit of servitude. Most grown women understand that it’s a position of power, not submission.
We have SC's running around as independent entities within the MC community looking for respectability though they came into the game as back mattresses professionals. Worse, they see their respect being achieved by them simply rocking a vest. Wearing a vest but not addressing the behavior of those particular ladies leaves them acting as SC's whose idea of helping is unzipping the pants of MC's. SC's that think they are MC's (wtf on the 3 piece's and pics of bikes on their vest) are violating so many protocols that they don't realize the level of disdain they breed in any biker who knows a smidgen about MC history and lives by those old school protocols.
If what I described isn't your SC, that portion of the blog wasn't for you.
If you see your SC in the previous description, cease and desist immediately. The flip side is I've seen and know many SC's who are civic minded, community focused and who are an asset to their MC and community as a whole. Those Social Clubs who carry themselves with the highest regard at all times and I'm honored to work with and support. Although, I've been told by my MC friends whom I am close and share daily conversations about all things MC that I am not SC friendly. I assume it's because when the conversations come up and the harsh realities of how they see some SC's, I'm generally in agreement with many of their views. I'm not easily offended so if you're telling the truth, tell the truth. However, I will and have defended those ladies in SC's who move and flourish in their (our) lanes. My SC is very concerned with our public image and we work hard to maintain a positive image privately and in the community. We're all adults and in a social atmosphere have a good time but we do frown upon, public drunkenness, lewd behavior, etc. How is that relative you say? I have always said that a woman can't do what a man does and still be considered a lady. A man who beds everything moving is a stallion but a woman with the same tenacity would be labeled a ho. Keep it behind closed doors.
Allow me to take you back a few paragraphs. Our brother MC (any time I say "our" MC it refers to my brothers) consists of quite a few men (nice looking men) and our SC quite a few women (nice looking women) so I'm certain a line or 2 has been crossed. Has it ever come up? Has it ever been an issue? Have we ever had to have a meeting about it? The bullshit has never, not once disrupted our business and more importantly, their business. What I will tell you is that we LOVE our brothers and they LOVE us. We love them because they have honored us as their sister whom they will protect. They love us because without a doubt, they know they can depend on us, period. A happy home is a strong home. This has truly become a family that I'm proud to be a part of. They have us on whatever we need and they expect and get the same thing from us. Understood that they don't need us as women to protect them, that's their job for us.
Before someone says (you've probably been saying it) "Who gives her the right to even be talking to us?" I want to be clear that Preacha asked me to share my thoughts on my point of view on the SC world. The SC is for better or worse, part of that MC world now and so Preacha approached me asking for my uncensored thoughts on the matter. Like I explained to him (since he was and might very well remain unconvinced) how a functioning SC could be an asset to an MC I wanted to share. Anyone who reads Sucka Free knows his traditionalist point of view on all things MC but also, when I was asked, he stressed to me the point of Sucka Free is to learn and exchange ideas with the big picture being a deeper understanding between the segmented communities with the MC world.
Ladies (I can't even address you male Social Clubs), you have to get your minds right and you have to drive in your lane. I have holes inside my cheek where I've had to bite and cut my words when addressing our brother MC on issues and other MC's, because hello, “it wasn't my lane”. Know that my brothers don't require us to sit in the corner pretty with no thoughts or opinions but also know, we know our lanes. I won't even go into my reaction when I was new in the community and saw Property Patches for the first time. (*mofos, what?!) As I learned more and more, I see where it was/is a necessary precaution and preventative violence measure. My SC is primarily made up of "seasoned" women who basically are women who understand a spirit of servitude. Most grown women understand that it’s a position of power, not submission.
I said servitude. There is honor in that.We serve each other and our brothers and therefore the purpose
is achieved. Again, a happy home is a strong functioning home. 1% and Outlaws,
respectfully, I know we can never be a part of your world. I respect that and
leave that alone because I do know when to be quiet. Those who may have room
for us though, make sure it's a group of WOMEN, not girls, who understand and
honor themselves as women who can and will add value to the bigger picture.
As my knowledge has increased and continues to grow, I see what once was will continue to be, but before it can flourish again (MC) a reckoning has to happen.
Some children learn by watching their brothers or sisters get their asses beat and some learn by GETTING their asses beat. Asses gotta get beat but it's not the SC's. Traditionalists don’t give a fuck about Social Clubs. It's the SUCKA MC's who are in-line for the CTJM (Coming To Jesus Meetings) ass whuppins. I used to be one of those kids getting the beating. Now I have good enough sense to know seeing is believing and am over in my lane. If I sound a little "mannish" in my speech and thinking, it's because it's true. I'm all woman who likes men but I swear if I were a man, I have no doubt I'd think how men think. It's not quite, "we don't need your ass" but more "come hang these drapes up and sit pretty". BUT, I'd hope I'd be able to embrace the right group of women who stood for the things I would and who honestly, knew their roles. Let's be clear in understanding that there are roles and many roles ARE gender based.
I'm not sure if this is what Preacha had in mind when he asked me to write this but hell; don't ask me if you don't want to know what I'm thinking.
Did I mention some of my SC rides? On our OWN 2's? Yeah, but in our own damn lanes
As my knowledge has increased and continues to grow, I see what once was will continue to be, but before it can flourish again (MC) a reckoning has to happen.
Some children learn by watching their brothers or sisters get their asses beat and some learn by GETTING their asses beat. Asses gotta get beat but it's not the SC's. Traditionalists don’t give a fuck about Social Clubs. It's the SUCKA MC's who are in-line for the CTJM (Coming To Jesus Meetings) ass whuppins. I used to be one of those kids getting the beating. Now I have good enough sense to know seeing is believing and am over in my lane. If I sound a little "mannish" in my speech and thinking, it's because it's true. I'm all woman who likes men but I swear if I were a man, I have no doubt I'd think how men think. It's not quite, "we don't need your ass" but more "come hang these drapes up and sit pretty". BUT, I'd hope I'd be able to embrace the right group of women who stood for the things I would and who honestly, knew their roles. Let's be clear in understanding that there are roles and many roles ARE gender based.
I'm not sure if this is what Preacha had in mind when he asked me to write this but hell; don't ask me if you don't want to know what I'm thinking.
Did I mention some of my SC rides? On our OWN 2's? Yeah, but in our own damn lanes
Agreat piece of work and true to the MC code.
ReplyDeletethank you for your point of view and time to break it all down.!!!!!!!!
Much love to you for takin' the time to read and comment.
Deletei cant even be mad/upset/bothered by anything Ronnie stated, i actually totally agree with her!
ReplyDelete"We have SC's running around as independent entities within the MC community looking for respectability though they came into the game as back mattresses professionals."
that was HARSH (kinda where i disagree not bc of the message bc i agree on that but the delivery and that's mainly bc i hear that often that SCs are just loose women looking to f**k and from my own experience i SEE men doing worst. and i understand this is a male driven world we are in but the lack of respect or should i say lack of knowledge in the role of SCs in the community is what sparks a lot the "dislike" or ease of labeling SC women as loose.
my favorite line "My SC is primarily made up of "seasoned" women who basically are women who understand a spirit of servitude. Most grown women understand that it’s a position of power, not submission."
i believe A LOT of women in the community dont understand the concept of this & how your SC should be made up of "seasoned" women...cuts a lot of the bs out.
GREAT read, i WISH more SCs did their MC homework...high five from me!!
Thank you for your thoughts, Golden. This is all new stuff to us here at Sucka Free MC but maybe there needs to be Bitch Free SC unit as well.
DeleteHi. Its Khalilah aka Syncere Prez of NyteLyfe Social Club. We are a social club that is not attached to any MC but we definitely stay in our lane. We play our role as supporters and cherrleaders for MCs/SCs/ACs/TCs that we believe in and aspire to be like. We are still learning and growing and appreciate those of you that accept and support us. Ronnie, you know I love you and though some things you said are harsh, its the reality of what's out there. If ever you(or anyone for that matter) feel like we aren't "in our lane", I would hope that you would speak up and continue to be part of our growth not our falldown. I learned very quickly that alot of ppl are in this for the wrong reason and it almost stopped me from even moving forward but the love I have for the MC world, having a good time and life let me press on. With that being said, we are here for whoever is here for us. Just trying to live, laugh and love life. :)
ReplyDeleteIt's Syncere again...Just want to add that if some clubs or groups don't care for us or like that we are around, They need to speak up and make sure that don't accept our hardearned money and support. IJS :)
ReplyDeleteSyncere, you already feeling about you and your ladies. Ladies. As for my thoughts, you knew a few(overall) but the others, yes, might be a little harsh. I shine a light on myself and I don't always like what I see but then I try to correct it so, I am not without faults. As for the blog, Preacha wasn't interested in Social Clubs but saw they weren't going anywhere and so here's my perspective. It very well may offend many, not my intention, but yes, could be a result of. Golden, the word "some"(mattress statement) should have been in there because nothing is ever all. I am still, still, still the tables of those who are willing to teach and are knowledgeable. Thank you for reading.
ReplyDeleteHey Fam, great read and history on the S.C.. What impressed me more is that you have the mentality of a MC. Although some may give you the finger after reading this, but there are many who's clapping.
ReplyDeleteSincere, "you have the mentality of a MC" and even still with that,I know in this real, where my lane is. I'm "vocal" but I know when to put a turning signal on or make sharp turn back into my lane if I step out. Again, that's not a matter of being subservient, it's a matter of where you are. I appreciate you reading and sharing.
ReplyDeleteRonnie did an absolutely amazing job imparting that knowledge. I learn a lot from her almost on a daily basis. I used to be very closed minded about SC. In fact, I used to brush them off and disregard them entirely. Look down on them, per se, because I saw more negative surrounding their actions then positive. As a female rider, of whom used to rock MC rags, but before I truly had the proper MC knowledge (and still in the process of learning so I went back to my own lane as an independent rider) I discovered in this MC journey of mines, I was always witnessing the "wrong" type of SC and so I jus wrote them all off thinkin none of them was worth my time tryin to get to know. As far as I knew, they didn't ride so I didn't need em...Ronnie has taught me otherwise. My knowledge was expanded when she welcomed me with open arms and useful information when I attended their anniversary, just in observing how these hard working, dedicated ladies supported their brothers at that event, opened my mind's eye to how a real SC is supposed to be. The family love I was shown before I rode up there and still receieve to this very day, is also proof that they truly are the real deal and FAMILY is not jus a word to them, it has real meaning. This article is on point and worth passing forward.
ReplyDeleteMz. Kelz, this is a great example of how OTHERS see you. You were on the outside looking in and saw something different. My point was/is (not only but a big one)how is your SC being viewed? Why are you in existence 1st but then...see points above. Much appreciated and thank you for the compliment.
DeleteFrom BLUE: absolutey on target..for those that don't understand or " get it".. screw 'em... if the truth is percieved as " harsh" then so be it..I wish.some one had asked for my sistah got it right..said it right and I support her view 1000%.. THAT'S thousand percent..I am MC founder and wish that half these MC' s and SC's had their heads on straight.its more than how much ass can be had for either of times I tire of when the younger ones willgrow up and see the big picture...we all would be a much more powerful group that should garner the respect of a much larger audience...This Nation and one day the World...You keep after them Ronnie...I got your back..for life...
ReplyDeleteMy brother, 1st I appreciate you taking the time to read. I'm not shy(we all know) but having those close to you respect what you're saying means much. You know we are back watchers, always.
DeleteI'm glad someone is actually speaking out this knowledge and giving a full run down on staying in your lane and what a true sc is. There a lot of sc out that need to read this and get there learn on. This ain't no game, fashion show, fuck fest or none of this other bs I see out. Sc should show some kind of purpose in the community they represent. Real talk stand for something. Thats right straight from Henny himself
ReplyDeleteHenny, I learn daily. What I learn I share, as we all should. You know I respect you bro. Thank you for reading.
DeleteThis is U'Nyque President of Ronin Ladyz SC..I wasn't offended at all at what was said in fact i agree to the majority of what was said. Some SC's don't know their lanes and when the blow come down it's harsh and painful to them. I've seen it time and time again and I use to feel sorry but I am like oh well now. I am a SC but like i tell other SC president when they ask me, all you have to do is ask! Thank you for putting the SC history out again. I enjoyed reading it
ReplyDeleteU'Nyque, thanks for reading sis. As I said, I used to be one of them kids who got beatings, but that's when I was a child. This here is easy as 1-2-3 or hard has b i t c h. Ya dig. Sadly many will think "this isn't me" and yep, "it's you". Thank you for taking the time to read.
DeleteRonnie...FireStarter. Phoenix here. U already know I agree wholeheartedly with everything u blogged. I dont have to add a thing. Thanks for sharing the history of the SC for those who didnt know. (mumbling) though how someone joins an entity without knowing its roots is BEYOND my understanding. It's irksome to me when newbies to the MC scene ask me which SC they should join. My answer is always The only SC to consider is one that's under an MC. Welp...Gotta go repost this link to my page. See ya luv!
ReplyDeleteThank you for your response to said potential ladies. I do hope they're ladies. I didn't say virgin school girls cause well, none of us are that but I hope they don't the MC world as the "D*ck Galore" store and that's why they're come a calling. Thank you for reading Phoenix. L&R always.
DeleteSoooo looking forward to your seminar at the PROC
ReplyDeleteSoCo, thank you for reading. I pray it'll be informative.
DeleteSo I am a member of an SC that is an independent entity. We get much respect in theMC/SC world. We do more community service and support more clubs than most SC's in our area. In most SC's that are under MC's that I have encountered they are fucking the men in the MC's and partying which is the only purpose they serve with a little community service every now and then. I'm proud to be an independent SC because we serve a purpose that benefits our community and shines a positive light on the MC/SC world. I agree with having someone you can call when shit goes down but there has never been a time where any of our area MCs have left us unprotected.
ReplyDeleteThank you for your comments. Might I ask if you are not attached to an MC, why not be an SC outside of the MC community and still serve the same purpose of service?
DeleteI agree on tht.and it really depends on the club and wht they stand for you gt some sc need to sit down aswell as some mc..time is changing respect and respect will come back
DeleteIm from arkansas and have a husband who belongs to a MC. Looking at the events held on weekends and MCs along with SC invites most of the ladies fro all the SC clubs act and like dirty skank whores. After hours is also done very poorly by some of the clubs where they keep the trash for late hours while the wife or girlfriend is not there. THE SC altogether should be banned. Its just another form of prostitution here in arkansas
ReplyDeleteFirst, apologies for such a late response. I'm sorry to hear that view of SC's in Arkansas. Speaking honestly, Arkansas is NOT alone in that either thought process about SC's or honestly, experiences with some SC's. Unfortunately "dirty skank whores" are prevalent in every walk of life. For the few you may find in SC's in Arkansas(and other states), you'll find some if not more at your workplace, supermarket, gym etc. I openly admit, everyone is NOT in it for the same thing but man oh man, can't be a "dirty skank whore" without willing participants. As a woman, I can't be quick to judge the other woman. Gotta start with home first. I do hope you come across an SC who carry themselves like ladies. I caution not to throw a blanket over the entire bunch.
Deletewhere can I find some protocol on the do's/don't of an SC and how to start one, become attached to an MC and so on.We have so many SC popping up and they don't know the proper protocol because they did not do their homework and I am looking to educate these clubs. Help me if you can.
ReplyDeleteGreat read Ronnie do you mind if I publish this in my newsletter?
ReplyDeleteAgain, sorry for such late responses. You can absolutely publish BUT please place the link to this site. This is the blog are my words but the property of Sucka Free MC. Please send a link when you have. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteWhat's so funny is that MC say this yet SC clubs are a majority of what support most of the MC anniversaries n events now a days. And correct me if I'm wrong. Doesn't Outlaw clubs have SC as supporters? I know WOS have SC as support. Soooooooooooo this is really a crock of shit. SUCKA FREE MC??????? NULL AND VOID.
ReplyDeleteMy apologies for responding late. Let me say this, and let me be crystal clear and take no offense...WOMEN ARE GUESTS ON THE SET/IN THE COMMUNITY! If you are in a Social Club, my assumption is you're a woman thereby, A GUEST. Respect the home(s) you visit. You, us, we are NOT needed to maintain ANY MC, at all, whatsoever. Not any MC worth the horses they ride on. So if you believe that your $ support these MC's, I say stop. I can almost guarantee for the true ones, it won't be missed. As a woman and a guest, I certainly won't speak about WOS business. Since you know they do, then by all means, have the conversation with them if you're feeling froggy. And to correct your NULL AND VOID...I'm pretty certain the article speaks about SC's being SUPPORT to MC's so...seriously.."Whatchu talkin' about Willis?" I can most certainly tell by how you speak, RESPECT for the lifestyle/culture is missing. I suggest, with sincerity, to truly educate yourself with REAL LIVE MC's. Go to them respectfully, ask questions, listen and learn. Not to some folks looking for you or some other unsuspecting ladies to be their mattress professionals.
DeleteI was wondering about Men's Social clubs. I have no interest in riding but I want to start a club. Ihave heard that they are not accepted. My main reasoning for opening this club is to help my community and bru=ing some good MEN together to do it.
ReplyDeleteSorry for the late reply. Male Social Clubs IN the MC Community, honestly are not respected. Question-Why do you need to be a part of the MC Community to come together as MEN to help your community? All you stated above can be done without being under the umbrella of the MC Community. I wish you Godspeed with your endeavors. But from what I know and seen...Male Social Clubs IN the MC Community are frowned upon.
DeleteDid not understand the SC aspect though and your article definitely enlightened me. Thank you again
ReplyDeleteWow, nice read
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed your blog & the comments. I am starting a social club attach to a club. I came across your blog as I was doing my homework on SC's history. for what I've seen so far in the motorcycle community some ladies, SC's do carry a lable defining them to be inappropriate and disrespected in ways. I have to say that I agree with your blog... I also have to say it starts where you come from! my intentions is to build a stronger and better club within the motorcycle community and outside community. After all if you don't have no face you can't be heard. I just love love love those quotes you use "stay in your lane" & " back mattress professionals"Lol Love it!!!
ReplyDeleteare sc's similar to mc's as far as having prez, vp, and so on..
ReplyDeleteI agree with this article 100%. I am the Business Coordinator of a SC, but we are not independent. We are a support club and our roles are VERY defined. We are very well respected in the community because we do a lot of community service. We do what is expected of us; not because the MC orders or demands us to do so, but because we are a SUPPORT club. We support our MC in whatever ways are deemed necessary. It is definitely important to stay in your lane, as that helps the clubs run smoothly. This is a great article. I will be sharing this at our next meeting.
ReplyDeleteWell me being in one of the first social clubs founded in 1971 everything u said was true it started with the cooking then property of and now got to know your sc club history in order to know what it stand for if you a new club then start your history like the older sc clubs u will go a long way..
ReplyDeleteRonnie, very well said I must say and a very good read.....
ReplyDeleteIam in the process of starting a SC and after reading your blog I jave to say that I see alot of what you are saying and questioning this process I am aboit to enter into..its like Im about to get married and I realize I may not like mynew husband as much as I thought...alot to think about..sure could use the advice